Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dry Rods shall Bud Again

Thursday 19 February
READ: Num 17: 1 - 9
MORE LESSON: Job 14: 7

When confronted with a matter, don't listen to the situation, listen to God's Word. God might have made you a promise before you undertook a venture and then the present situation seems to be going contrary to the word you received. Don't be frightened by the situation, re-tune to the promises God gave you and you will find the strength to go on. The crisis or situation you face doesn't represent God's perspective about that matter. God's word is God's perspective to the situation you are facing, and God's perspective is always right. Regardless of that situation, the word of God is effectual and effective. Even if it looks like all hope is lost, hold on to God's Word: there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. Job 14:7 (NIV)

There is no situation that is beyond recovery by God's Word. Imagine the extreme situation of Aaron' rod which was a dry and lifeless stick; when it came in contact with the presence of God, the Bible says; it budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds. Num 17:8 (KJV). Who would have thought that a dried up rod that was cut from its root will ever bud anymore, let alone yield flowers and bear fruit. But out of the twelve rods set before the altar, Aaron's rod blossomed under 24 hours. The budding and blossoming of the rod was already miraculous enough but then it happened overnight. That is God speeding up the process of restoration of the rod. This all happened because that was the rod that God chose. When God chooses you, no matter how dead your situation is, life will come into it speedily. Today God’s Word is coming to you and bringing life to your sitaution.

The role of prophetic utterances in making your dead situations come back to life cannot be ignored. From the Bible passage read, we can see the role Moses played in lifting Aaron above the rebellion of men and making his dry rod to bud again. There are men that God has placed over you to pronounce His words over your life and situation. Honour such men and stay close to them so that life may be injected into your situation by the pronouncements of such prophet over your life. Today I declare that any situation that is dead in your life will receive new life and all rods, no matter for how long they have been dry in your life, will bud again this morning in Jesus’ name.

* Command every hopelessness to disappear in your life.
* Prophesy to your dry situation now to turn around.
Take an anointing oil and anoint yourself for a new season of possibilities.

Father, I pray that I, my family, church and nation will move forward this day and shall not be drawn back, in Jesus’ mighty name.


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