Friday, March 6, 2015

Sweet Savour II

Friday 6 March
READ: Ps 50: 5
MORE LESSON: Ps 50: 5 - 15

God demands sacrifices that will give Him sweet savour, not because He has need of our offerings for the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him (Ps 50: 10 -11). God demands sacrifices from us because He wants to enter into a covenant of blessing with us. God blesses but there are conditions and if you meet God's conditions then you will get His blessing. When it was time for Isaac to hand over the blessing of the covenant to one of his sons, he asked for the sweet smelling savour, And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die: Gen 27:4.

We all know that Isaac could easily have called the son he wanted to bless, and give him the blessing without any savoury meal. But the Scripture is communicating to us the dimensions of blessings that you cannot access except by sacrifice. Jacob got the blessing because of the savoury meal. Sweet smelling savour also is what makes the difference between Abel and Cain; God accepted Abel's offering and rejected Cain's because Abel's offering brought a sweet smelling sacrifice to God, And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: Gen 4:4. It is not enough to bring just any offering to God, make sure your offering is sacrificial and will bring forth a sweet flavour. There are some dimensions of answer to prayer that come only when your sweet sacrifice speaks and not by fasting and prayer, Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High: And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me: Psa. 50:14-15.

However, sweet savour is not all about money, it is about your life. The greatest sacrifice you can present to God is your life. There is a way you live that attracts God to your life. Some people don’t know how to have good relationship with others, thus they lack a sweet smelling savour, and they repel people around them; so also a man living in sin and rebellion repels God, no matter what offering he gives. Such life does not give a sweet smelling savour but a stench to God. A sacrifice from such a life will not bring blessing but curse. This is the reason the Holy Spirit makes us to know that the sweet savour which is acceptable to God is a life given to the Lord, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service: Rom 12:1.

* Say, Father, let Heaven be attracted to my life for blessing today.
*Ask God to remember your sacrifices and offerings this month for divine intervention.
* Ask God for grace to live a life that is acceptable to God.

I prophesy today that my glory shall not be reduced or stolen by robbers of destiny.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sweet Savour I

Thursday 5 March
READ: Lev 23: 13
MORE LESSON: Rom 12: 1-2

Each substance has a distinctive quality that you can discover by taste or smell. Generally, a sweet savour is a pleasant taste or smell that is the distinctive quality or property of a substance. In our context, sweet savour means an action or expression to God that draws His attention to us. From the Scripture, we see that anywhere God perceives a sweet savour, He comes down and manifests Himself. Scripturally, a sweet smelling savour comes when men sacrifice an animal on fire to God. So, you cannot have the sweet taste without a burnt sacrifice. Man enjoys a sweet taste when he eats; however God doesn't eat man’s sacrifices but He smells our offerings and enjoys the aroma that comes forth when the offering is sacrificial. Sweet smelling savour is what comes out when you make a sacrificial expression or offering to God. God appreciates sacrificial offerings and expressions, and even man appreciates such expressions.

In the Bible, Noah saved a pair(s) of every animal and God destroyed all the remaining animals in the flood. After the flood, there were definitely few animals on earth but Noah sacrificed some to God. God smelt that sacrifice and vowed never to destroy the human race with flood anymore. God also removed the curse on the ground for man's sake (Gen 9: 1 – 13). As Noah offered a sweet smelling sacrifice that affected the entire human race, a single sweet smelling offering can end the trouble in your family.

Solomon also sacrificed 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep to God (2 Chro. 7:4-11). The sacrifice was so much that the brazen altar could not contain it. In 2 Chron 5:6, King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before the ark sacrificed sheep and oxen, which could not be numbered for multitude. No wonder the glory of the Lord came down upon the temple and Solomon had great glory as the king of Israel.

Today, you can give an offering that will rise as a sweet savour to God and compel a visitation to you from God. Your tithes, first-fruits, pledges and offerings are demands that God has made as sweet smelling sacrifices, it cannot be anything less. God is not looking for donations, He is looking for a man that will read His Word, discover the sacrifices that God has demanded of him and willingly present them to Him in obedience. Such expression will rise up to God as a sweet savour and provoke the covenant blessing of Jehovah.

* Pray that your life will be a sweet smelling savour to God permanently.
* Pray that your sacrifices and service will rise to God as a sweet smelling savour.
* With a seed of money in your hand, ask God to visit you as He visited Solomon. Go and sow the seed to either your pastor or your church.

Jesus, in this new month, I declare that people will no longer use my old problems to describe me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Language of Glory

Wednesday 4 March
READ: 1 Cor. 14:10
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:3-5

There is a language or expressions of a man that bring the man to glory. The Bible says, There are many different languages in the world, and every language has meaning: 1 Cor 14:10(NLT). Today I want you to know the language that brings glory so that you will learn to speak it.
1. The language of thirst: As a child of God, you thirst for glory. Moses was a man who thirsted for glory, and when you watch his language you will know that he was thirsty, Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people: Exo. 33:13. Sometimes people pray so casually that you wonder whether they really desire what they ask for. The way you pray matters as it shows whether or not you are serious in your thirst for the glory. Moses fasted forty days and forty nights to receive the law. When he broke the law, he went back to repeat the 40 days and 40 nights of fasting. People who hunger and thirst for glory don't complain about fasting.
2. The language of God's promises: A person who will taste glory must know the promises of God so that the moment a situation presents itself you can go to God with His promises. This was the secret of Jehoshaphat as recorded in 2 Chron. 20: 4-12. He took God's promise back to Him in prayer; that is a language for experiencing glory.
3. The language of commitment: Commitment means to maintain your way before God in the face of persecution and difficulty. A man that wants to experience God must be committed to God. This is the language that Job spoke when he said, Though He slays me, yet will I trust Him: Job 13:15. If you are committed to God and maintain your way before Him, whether answer comes or not, you will inevitably experience His glory.
4. The language of worship and praise: Psalms 48:1-2 says that God is great and beautiful for situation. No matter your situation, do not let praise and worship elude you. Job 35:10 says that there is a God who gives song in the night. Don't celebrate only when things are good, celebrate even in the night seasons of life. A man who knows the language of worship will not miss out in glory; that is, a worshipper will be consistent in glory.
5. The language of authority, Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways: Job 22:28. For you to experience glory you can't fold your hands and let your destiny run anyhow. To see God's glory and power, learn to speak authoritatively; make bold proclamations and the Lord will back you up.

* Ask God to give you the tongue of the learned that you may speak the word in season.
* Pray for inspiration that brings word of victory.
* Pray that your words will bring you great results.

Father, today turn every defeat to victory, barrenness to fruitfulness and put an end to every pain.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Become 'Restless'

Tuesday 3 March
READ: Gen 27: 30-40
MORE LESSON: Matt.11:12, Lk.16:16

Most people know the story of the two sons of Isaac; Jacob and Esau. Jacob cunningly took the blessing of the covenant from their father Isaac ahead of Esau who was the first born biologically. Jacob got the blessing (Gen 27: 39 – 40), when Esau came, he sought it with tears (Heb 12: 16 – 17) and pleaded with the father to give him at least one blessing. Finally Isaac released a blessing on Esau which still looked like a curse: By your sword you shall live, and you shall serve your brother; and it shall come to pass, when you become restless, that you shall break his yoke from your neck. Gen 27:39-40 (NKJV) Even though these statements seem to be curses, the good thing in these statements is that there was a window of escape left for Esau from the slavery sentence given to him. He was not to be a servant to his brother forever because the father gave him a condition of breaking the yoke of slavery. He said when you become restless… This means that the solution to his problem will come when he became restless with the problem.

Becoming restless means becoming no longer at ease with your situation. It is good to become restless with your present predicament and do everything godly you can for the required change. 'Becoming restless' doesn't include doing ungodly things but it describes a kind of spiritual desperation that makes you ready to take all the necessary actions and sacrifices to change your situation. A man, that is spiritually attacked and is being begged before he comes to church to pray, has not become restless. When he becomes restless, he will take a marathon fast, add a vigil and cry to God to see to it that the problem stops. It is anti-covenant to become complacent and at ease with a position of slavery, oppression, poverty or sickness.

Let godly desperation get hold of you as you demand that the situation must change no matter what it will take. This restlessness was the window of escape left opened to Esau to be free from slavery to his brother A jobless graduate with an air conditioner fanning him in his bedroom has not become restless. When he becomes restless, he will go and sell the AC and invest the money even if it is in selling pure water or he will not mind the certificate but open a barber's shop and watch increase and prosperity start in his life. A poor man without a job living in a 3-bedroom flat and begging for food has not become restless with begging and poverty. When he is restless and tired of begging, he will rent out 2 rooms, stay in one and use the proceeds to start a small business.

God wants you to be free from whatever has kept you under a yoke, but He wants to see you take desperate steps that show you are tired of the status quo.

* Say, “Lord, today, I break the yoke that limits me to smallness and shame”.
* Say, “Father help me to give up my comfort for my greatness”.
* Tell the Lord to grant you all the wisdom, strength, divine guidance that it takes to win over life failure.

This month, I shall triumph over every evil and make great progress, in Jesus’ mighty name.