Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sweet Savour I

Thursday 5 March
READ: Lev 23: 13
MORE LESSON: Rom 12: 1-2

Each substance has a distinctive quality that you can discover by taste or smell. Generally, a sweet savour is a pleasant taste or smell that is the distinctive quality or property of a substance. In our context, sweet savour means an action or expression to God that draws His attention to us. From the Scripture, we see that anywhere God perceives a sweet savour, He comes down and manifests Himself. Scripturally, a sweet smelling savour comes when men sacrifice an animal on fire to God. So, you cannot have the sweet taste without a burnt sacrifice. Man enjoys a sweet taste when he eats; however God doesn't eat man’s sacrifices but He smells our offerings and enjoys the aroma that comes forth when the offering is sacrificial. Sweet smelling savour is what comes out when you make a sacrificial expression or offering to God. God appreciates sacrificial offerings and expressions, and even man appreciates such expressions.

In the Bible, Noah saved a pair(s) of every animal and God destroyed all the remaining animals in the flood. After the flood, there were definitely few animals on earth but Noah sacrificed some to God. God smelt that sacrifice and vowed never to destroy the human race with flood anymore. God also removed the curse on the ground for man's sake (Gen 9: 1 – 13). As Noah offered a sweet smelling sacrifice that affected the entire human race, a single sweet smelling offering can end the trouble in your family.

Solomon also sacrificed 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep to God (2 Chro. 7:4-11). The sacrifice was so much that the brazen altar could not contain it. In 2 Chron 5:6, King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before the ark sacrificed sheep and oxen, which could not be numbered for multitude. No wonder the glory of the Lord came down upon the temple and Solomon had great glory as the king of Israel.

Today, you can give an offering that will rise as a sweet savour to God and compel a visitation to you from God. Your tithes, first-fruits, pledges and offerings are demands that God has made as sweet smelling sacrifices, it cannot be anything less. God is not looking for donations, He is looking for a man that will read His Word, discover the sacrifices that God has demanded of him and willingly present them to Him in obedience. Such expression will rise up to God as a sweet savour and provoke the covenant blessing of Jehovah.

* Pray that your life will be a sweet smelling savour to God permanently.
* Pray that your sacrifices and service will rise to God as a sweet smelling savour.
* With a seed of money in your hand, ask God to visit you as He visited Solomon. Go and sow the seed to either your pastor or your church.

Jesus, in this new month, I declare that people will no longer use my old problems to describe me.


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