Sunday, March 22, 2015

Walking in Miracles

Sunday 22 March
READ: Heb 11: 1 -3
MORE LESSON: Heb 11: 1 - 40

God operates by principles and if you will abide by His principles, you will get results. God's precise principle for you to step into the realm of miracles is simple: have faith in His Word. If you can stake your life on the Word of God, you will continually walk in the miraculous and the supernatural. Faith in the Word of God is the key to miracles. It is by faith that the elders obtained a good testimony: Heb. 11:2 (NKJV). The Bible states clearly that it is always to you according to your faith (Matt. 9:29) not according to another man's faith because the just shall live by His own faith (Hab. 2:4). This means you might be the pastor's grandson but if you do not have faith, you will not receive a miracle. If you fall sick as a pastor's son, at best, the pastor can use his faith to get money to take you to the hospital. But if you want to receive a healing miracle from God, you will need to exercise your personal faith in Him.

Faith comes by being full of the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). This is why the most important thing you can do in life is to get the Word of God for yourself. When God wants to help a man, He reveals His Word to him. The evidence of God's love for you is the revelation of the prescription in the Word for what you are seeking. Everything that God has done in the affairs of men is by His WORD; so to enjoy God, you need to find out what His Word says . . . He upholds all things by the word of his power . . . : Heb 1:3.

Your priority in life should be the Word; be more concerned about what the Word of God says than what anybody has to say. Personally, I am not threatened by situations or persons that will want me to act contrary to the Word. I can only be threatened by the Word of God; everything anybody has to say comes after what God says. I would rather die on the Word of God than be a coward and go against the Word. That should be your declaration as well. The first and perhaps the greatest miracle is that God created this material universe out of nothing. When we study how God created everything, we will know the secret of miracles. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear Heb. 11:3. The heavens and earth were created by His Word. That is the secret of miracles; you cannot fail if you abide by His Word.

* Ask God to strengthen your faith in His Word.
* Ask God to reveal His Word to you over every matter of your life.
* Ask for a miracle today. Mention the name of the miracle specifically and give thanks to God for it now.

Father, anoint me a permanent vessel of praise to Your name, in the mighty name of Jesus.


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