Saturday 21 March
READ: 1Sam.16:14-16
MORE LESSON: Gal. 5:19-21
We understood from yesterday's devotion that demons are wicked spirits who seek to pervert men's destiny and de-humanize them. Demonic invasion into peoples' lives is usually very subtle, systematic and progressive. In other words, demons don't just jump at people, take hold of their destiny and turn it the way they want. It is important to know that demons, being spirits, are everywhere. Demons are very mobile, and will take possession of anything (animate or inanimate) if they find the environment conducive.
What are some of the things men do that make them vulnerable and susceptible for demons to settle on?
1) Indulgence in unrighteousness: when you give yourself over to doing what you know is not right.
2) Blatant disobedience.
3) All forms of immoral sexual practices.
4) Indulgence in the works of the flesh listed in Gal. 5:19-21.
5) Involvement in cultural and traditional practices that have their foundation in demonism.
6) Friendship with unbelievers and people who have given their lives to serve demons and Satan.
7) Involvements in cults and occult festivals and feasts (1Cor. 10:19-20).
How do you keep demons away from settling on you? To keep dust away or remove dirt from your cloth or body, what do you do? You dust off or clean up by washing with water. In the same manner, demons are dusted off when we pray o attend take part in prayer meetings. They are washed away by the water of the Word when we come under the ministration of God's Word. This is the reason why you must not keep away from fellowship and prayer meeting.
Other preventive measures include:
i. Consistent renewal of your mind and thoughts with the Word of God – Rom. 12:2;
ii. Keep your spirit, soul and body holy- Rom.12:1;
iii. Mind your company- I Cor. 5:9-11;
iv. Regularly plead the Blood of Jesus on your whole being;
v. Keep your spirit constantly busy with the Word of God;
vi. Avoid pornography, unscriptural audio or video movies and occasionally take a fast and ask God to purify you afresh;
vii. Spend time praying in tongues often.
* Declare: I shake off every unclean spirit that seeks to attach itself to me, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to purge you of every demonic attachment and spirit.
* Lay hands on your head, ask the spirit of God to come upon you afresh now.
Father, let my appearance before You at all times be filled with testimonies, in the name of Jesus.
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