Monday, March 23, 2015

Activate the Word

Monday 23 March
READ: Josh. 14:6-13
MORE LESSON: Jn. 55: 10-11

The Word of God is true and does not fail, but we need to learn how to align ourselves with the Word so as to experience its performance. All that is written in the Bible is yours just for the asking but there are things to do to make them happen. God's Word is everything you require; you only need to know how to activate it.

The first step in making the Word work for you is to have a good knowledge of what is written. If you don't know what is written for you, you can't claim it. If a will is written by a father and he dies and the son doesn't know what was written in the will, he can't lay a claim to the estate bequeathed to him. The Bible is a compilation of God's will for you: the word 'testament' actually means 'will'. The Old Testament reveals the 'old will' and the New Testament shows the 'new will' of God for you. When Jesus died He left a will, the Bible. You need to discover what is in the will and lay claim to the promise in the will for you. Your destiny will enter rest and cease from all labour when you discover what is written in God's will which shows the inheritance that Jesus left for you.

After you have discovered what is written concerning you, keep confessing it. Say it till it happens. Caleb kept in his heart the promise Moses made to him that he would inherit the land of Canaan (Deut. 1:36, Josh. 14:6-12). Fourty-five years later when he was 85, he had not forgotten what was said concerning him. As soon as he entered Canaan, he demanded for the land that God promised him. You can't demand what you don't know, and when you know it, you also cannot stay at the point of just knowing. You must do something about it; keep confessing it. There is at least a promise for each aspect of your life from the scriptures; it is time to appropriate them. There are promises of provision, protection, fruitfulness, greatness, grace, anointing and whatever you need in life. Search them out and when you find them, just keep confessing them. Don't get tired of confessing the Word and don't get tired speaking the Word. Heaven and earth will pass away but God's Word will never go unfulfilled because, For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven: Ps. 119:89 (NKJV).

Beyond confession however is the issue of believing that Word. Every Word of God is activated at the point of faith. If you don't believe in what you have read and confessed, you have simply wasted your time. Jesus once said, ...If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth Mk. 9:23. Meditate on it.

* Ask God to help and increase your faith.
* Ask God to open your understanding to the depth of His Word.
* Lift up your two hands and declare, “God I believe Your Word; make me an evidence of Your Word.

Every scar of past affliction in my life, by the mighty power of God, be removed, in Jesus’ name.


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