Monday 30 March
READ: Gen. 2:4-16
MORE LESSON: Rev. 4:11
If you trace back to the beginning when God created man, you will realise that God did not create man to toil. The original place of man was in the Garden of Eden. The word Eden means 'Pleasure' and so Eden was a place of pleasure, comfort and ease. The first good thing about Eden is that it was not the request or proposal of any man. God, out of His own volition, initiated the decision to make the Garden of Eden for man. I want you to know that there is a place in life where you don't have to toil, cry and moan before God blesses you with everything you need. The original purpose of God for your life is that He will supply your needs in advance, that is even before the needs actually arise. The fruits of the trees in the Garden of Eden had already been planted, watered and freely given to man to eat even before the work of dressing the garden was given to him. It means that man was not created to eat from hardship and toil. Sweating and toiling in order to eat came began after the curse that followed the fall of man. Thank God, Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of sin.
The initial position was that what man would eat had been freely given by God even before work was assigned to him. So God is not saying that you should not work. Work is not a curse but a blessing; it is toil that is a curse. However, God gave man the gift of work in order to fulfil his purpose and assignment and not in order to make ends meet and to survive. So when you want to take up a job, the first thing to consider is whether it is compatible with your God-given purpose. As long as you are employed by God's purpose for your life, you will enjoy the work and God will take care of your needs. The master plan of Jehovah for your life is not labour and a life time of stressful toil but a life of comfortable and pleasurable work.
The work God intends for you is one that will help you to fulfil your assignment and purpose, either in the Church or in the secular arena. Such work is easy and pleasurable for you because God also puts the love and passion for it in your heart. I pray that you will not die in labour but your life will experience God's original intention of ease, comfort, pleasure and rest. May you also discover your purpose and destiny, and have the grace to enjoy working towards its fulfilment, in Jesus’ name.
* Give thanks to God for His pre-creation provision for you.
* Ask for revelation, direction and guidance over your life fulfilling assignment.
* Rebuke every type of fruitless labour.
* Ask that the provision meant for you in destiny will not elude you.
My glory, I command you to rise up and shine in 2015, you shall not be silenced.
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