Thursday, March 19, 2015

Freedom from Demonic Manipulation IV

Thursday 19 March
READ: Matt.12:22-23
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 10:4-6

The Scripture reading today is about this men; one was blind and dumb man and another one who was dumb and demon possessed. Blindness and dumbness are physical infirmities of the body. The section of the brain that is responsible for the co-ordination of speech or sight may have been affected for a man to be dumb or blind. If the problem is not resident in the brain, it may be with the tongue or vocal cord and the eye balls. These are cases the medical experts can explain and attempt to provide remedy for. If they cannot solve their problem, they advise you to live with it all the days of your life. But for the cases in today’s passage, demons were responsible for the dumbness and blindness. When they came before Jesus, He went after the root cause.(Matt.9:33, Luke 11:14).

What lessons do we learn here about demons and physical infirmities? 1) Some of the physical infirmities people carry around and are battling to treat in the hospital are the work of demons. 2) Demons can reside in and manipulate tissues, organs or systems of the body, causing them to manifest symptoms of infirmities. 3)Such infirmities are better treated only when the demons are cast out. Medication alone, as we observed three days ago, will not address the matter. 4) The plan of the devil against you is to waste your meagre resources. So he plants a demon on one organ or system of your body in the name of sickness. Except the demon goes, you will waste all your resources on medication to no avail. This was the situation of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years; she had spent all her living upon physicians, and could be healed by any doctor until she touched the hem of Jesus' garment (Luke 8:43-48).

Friend, take a second thought over the neurological, gynaecological, oncological, and psychological cases you are battling with in the hospital. Could there be a demon at work? While you continue your hospital medication, also seek the intervention of the Lord Jesus- the Great Physician. He is doing a ward round today, and is now by your bed side, right there in your room or hospital bed. You can touch His garment now, and you will be free and made whole. Stretch your faith like the woman with the issue of blood. When it became tough, she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole: Matt.9:21. Those who look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith are never disappointed. And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live: Num. 21:8.

* LORD Jesus, heal me and I shall be healed, save me now and I shall be saved.
* Make intercession for someone who is sick today and ask God to heal and deliver him/her.

Every predetermined destination that the enemy has said will be my last bus stop, I decree by the Holy Ghost, shall be the beginning of a better life for me, in Jesus’ name.


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