Monday, March 16, 2015

Freedom from Demonic Manipulation I

Monday 16 March
READ: Mark 1:21-29
MORE LESSON: 1John 3:7-8

The Scripture reading today reveals the predicament of a man in one of the Jewish synagogues. The synagogues of those days can be likened to the local churches in our time. This man had been attending church for many years, sitting among the other brethren. He might have been a member of one unit or department in that local assembly. The Church leadership either did not know that the man was under the influence and excertion of a demon (unclean spirit) or they knew but could not do anything about it, until that day Jesus mounted the pulpit. As Jesus preached, the Word went into action, and the demons at work in the man's life became uncomfortable, agitated and left him. My prayer for you today is that if there be any area of your life under the excertion and manipulation of unclean spirits, as you observe your devotion, the Word will go into action for you. Every unclean spirit manipulating your destiny will be troubled to leave your life, in Jesus’ name.

There are few lessons to learn from this passage: 1) It is very possible for someone to be very committed to attending church and be involved in church activities, yet he is under the influence and excertion of demons. 2) Demons are no respecter of persons. If you open a door for them in your life, they will enter and torment you. 3) Demons are subject to higher authority. The authority of Jesus was evidently clear to all even from His teachings. 4) It is not God's desire for any man to remain under the influence of demonic forces. One of the reasons God sent Jesus to this world is to destroy the works of the devil against humans lives (1John 3:7). Just has Jesus dealt with the wicked spirit in that man's life, He is ever willing to set free anyone under satanic afflictions. 5) Every time the Word of God goes forth, either in prayer, preaching, study/reading or worship, it has the capability to set you free from demonic excertions and manipulations.

All you need to do is first, submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus. Believe on Him. Ask Him to intervene in your matter, and then, be permanently free from the harassment of unclean spirits because it is written: If the Son (Jesus Christ) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed: John 8:36.

* Ask God to expose any hidden force operating illegally in your life.
* Using the name of Jesus, eject such oppressive spirit out of your life today.
* Using the following scriptures, uproot from your life any force contrary to the name of Jesus: Phil. 2:10, Matt. 15:13.

I proclaim that my minimum will turn to maximum as I step out today, in Jesus’ name.


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