Friday 13 March
READ: I Jn.4:10-11
MORE LESSON: Jn.13:34-35
All men come to this world with a nature that does not love God but self. This is due to the deception of Adam and Eve by satan, which led to disobedience in the garden of Eden. The disobedience robbed mankind of the divine attribute of love for God and replaced it with the selfish love that goes with the adamic nature. But God did not leave man in his fallen state, He reached out to us through His only Son, Jesus Christ. Now the grace to manifest the divine attribute of love was restored to man through the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, by Christ Jesus we now can receive, enjoy and share the love of God.
What is the nature of God's love restored to mankind through Christ?
1. It is a universal love void of tribalism and discrimination. No matter your colour, tribe and background, God loves you (Jn.10:16).
2. It is unconditional (Eph.2:4). Even when man is dead in sin, His love reaches out to him.
3. God's love to the world is practical (Jn.3:16). He demonstrated His love by allowing His Son to come and die, paying the highest price to redeem mankind, And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory: I Tim.3:16. Indeed, great is the mystery of God's love for man; in fact man was created out of love, with love and for love.
4. Finally, God’s love for man is total and eternal, even in the fire (Dan.3:24-25), The Lord appeared of old unto me, saying, yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee: Jer.31:3
God's love is commendable, reliable and dependable. It sustains from the earth to Heaven. Bask in that love as you step into the day. Have a great love-filled day.
* Thank God for His love.
* Give God thanks for particularly loving you all these years.
* Ask God to help you love Him as He loves you.
* Pray that you will be able to love others as God loves you.
Father, let my ordained helpers in any part of the world locate me today, in Jesus’ mighty name.