Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Freedom from Demonic Manipulation III

Wednesday 18 March
READ: Mark 7:24-30
MORE LESSON: Ephesians 6:11-14

Today's Scripture reading is about a Greek woman who demonstrated her faith in the LORD Jesus to get her daughter free from demonic harassment. Although the Scripture did not tell us the nature of this demonic harassment, it is obvious that it was something the mother could no longer put up with. She might have gone everywhere looking for solution but to no avail. So, when she heard about Jesus, she came and fell at His feet. To fall at someone's feet in Jewish culture is an act of worship and prayer. She knew exactly what was troubling her young daughter, ...for she had an unclean spirit (demon). She also knew that the solution to the girl's predicament is for someone with a higher spiritual authority to cast the demon out of the girl. As she stood before Jesus, she wasted no time telling stories but directly besought Him that He would cast forth the devil out of her daughter (vs.26).

It is unfortunate that some Christian parents do not seek to know the root of what is troubling their children and wards. They are either so busy or too carefree to watch over their children and to observe the troubles early enough to nib them. When children begin to behave strangely and manifest vices like stealing, lying, cruelty, wickedness, inordinate actions, continuous drop in school performance, etc, some parents suppose that such behaviours are characteristics of adolescents and that soon their children will outgrow and pull off such. Other parents flog, beat and nag at their children until they and the children become frustrated. You must understand that there are unclean spirits (demonic forces) behind vices. Ephesians 2:2-3 tells us that there is a spirit at work in the sons of disobedience referred to as the prince of the power of the air. Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Your child's destiny is under threat and you must arise to confront these spirits; cast them out of your child, and the behaviour will change. If you can't do it, go to genuine servants of God who will cast out the spirit by God's Word only; not by holy water, holy oil, special candles or incenses, sponge, or any form of sacrifice. You and your household can be free from demonic harassment today if you care to bring your matter before the feet of Jesus.

* Say - “Jesus, I surrender my life and home to you for deliverance and total freedom ."
* Arise Lord; rescue my children from spirits that may have risen against their destiny.

Father, I reject manifestation abortion this year, in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Freedom from Demonic Manipulation II

Tuesday 17 March
READ: Luke 13:10-16
MORE LESSON: John 8:36

Yesterday, we read about a man who was a regular worshipper in Church but still under the influence of unclean spirit (demon). In today's reading, Jesus took particular note of a woman who was also a regular attendee of a local church assembly and was bent over by an infirmity. She had been in that state for eighteen years. It appears the Church authority had given up on her matter and maybe the woman had also resigned to fate. But one good thing about her was that she did not forget God. She did not accuse God for her predicament, but kept going to Church until the day that Jesus picked her out of the congregation, and said to her; Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity (vs. 12). Then He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight.

It is unfortunate that in our generation, some people stay away from Church because they have one infirmity or the other. Some stay away from the gathering of believers in order to hide their infirmity. There are those that have been pushed out of Church because some brethren cast aspersion on them owing to the infirmity in their body. Although this woman's infirmity was visible to all, she did not stop coming to Church. It was therefore easy for the compassion to Jesus to flow toward her. To the ordinary eyes, that woman had an infirmity that bent her over; doctors may have treated her but to no avail. In addressing her case, Jesus spoke to the root, identifying who or what was responsible for her trouble: ...And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?: vs 15 & 16. For eighteen good years she was under the excertion of Satan but all kinds of medication were being administered on her.

Such predicaments abound in our time: many diseases and afflictions that people carry around are the works of demons. Unfortunately, the people do not know nor understand that they are under the excertion of Satan. Not all sicknesses and diseases are demonic, but some medical conditions and predicaments people are battling with have demonic roots and may manifest any of the following characteristics: 1)Despite intense medication, the trouble keeps re-occurring; 2) the exact root causes are difficult to identify; 3) their occurrence could be seasonal, and particularly at crucial times and seasons of the person's life. 4) When prayers are made, the matter seems to abate and once prayer ceases, it re-surface. For such afflictions, medications alone cannot work:. you need the counsel and touch of Jesus Christ, the Great Physician. He is forever alive to attend to the health of anyone who calls upon Him. He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction: Ps.107:21.

* Give God thanks for His power to deliver all that are afflicted.
* Ask God to send His Word and deliver you from every form of satanic attacks today.

In the name of Jesus, disturbances will disappear from my life today and I shall live in peace.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Freedom from Demonic Manipulation I

Monday 16 March
READ: Mark 1:21-29
MORE LESSON: 1John 3:7-8

The Scripture reading today reveals the predicament of a man in one of the Jewish synagogues. The synagogues of those days can be likened to the local churches in our time. This man had been attending church for many years, sitting among the other brethren. He might have been a member of one unit or department in that local assembly. The Church leadership either did not know that the man was under the influence and excertion of a demon (unclean spirit) or they knew but could not do anything about it, until that day Jesus mounted the pulpit. As Jesus preached, the Word went into action, and the demons at work in the man's life became uncomfortable, agitated and left him. My prayer for you today is that if there be any area of your life under the excertion and manipulation of unclean spirits, as you observe your devotion, the Word will go into action for you. Every unclean spirit manipulating your destiny will be troubled to leave your life, in Jesus’ name.

There are few lessons to learn from this passage: 1) It is very possible for someone to be very committed to attending church and be involved in church activities, yet he is under the influence and excertion of demons. 2) Demons are no respecter of persons. If you open a door for them in your life, they will enter and torment you. 3) Demons are subject to higher authority. The authority of Jesus was evidently clear to all even from His teachings. 4) It is not God's desire for any man to remain under the influence of demonic forces. One of the reasons God sent Jesus to this world is to destroy the works of the devil against humans lives (1John 3:7). Just has Jesus dealt with the wicked spirit in that man's life, He is ever willing to set free anyone under satanic afflictions. 5) Every time the Word of God goes forth, either in prayer, preaching, study/reading or worship, it has the capability to set you free from demonic excertions and manipulations.

All you need to do is first, submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus. Believe on Him. Ask Him to intervene in your matter, and then, be permanently free from the harassment of unclean spirits because it is written: If the Son (Jesus Christ) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed: John 8:36.

* Ask God to expose any hidden force operating illegally in your life.
* Using the name of Jesus, eject such oppressive spirit out of your life today.
* Using the following scriptures, uproot from your life any force contrary to the name of Jesus: Phil. 2:10, Matt. 15:13.

I proclaim that my minimum will turn to maximum as I step out today, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Power for Glory

Sunday 15 March
READ: Lk.5:17-26
MORE LESSON: Ps.35:1-9

It’s established from our reading today that without power, there is no manifestation of glory. There is a driving force for every testimony in the midst of contending natural laws, disease and unease. The force of God reverses these contentions and brings glorious changes.

According to our text, because the power of God was present in the synague, sickness disappeared. The following, among others, are what can provoke the power to bring down God’s presence and chase evil strangers away:
1. Faith, by which a man obtains help to prevail, Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of the lion, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead back to life…. Heb.11:32-35.

2. Righteousness is another tool that is effective to release glory to you by force. Men have used this tool with good results; for instance, Hezekiah the king reversed death by reminding God of his righteous walk before Him (II Kings 20:1-6). God answered and added fifteen years to his life.

3. Prayer- the strength to obey the will of God to the end came to Jesus by the force of strong prayer (Lk. 22:41-44). Daniel prayed for 21 days without giving up and answer came by force. Nehemiah completed an assignment of 7 years in 52days by the force of prayer (Neh.1:4;2:4).

4. The force of your seed can break siege. In II Chron1:6, King Solomon gave offerings to the point that God appeared and gave him gifts that no man has received till now. A king broke the siege of battle that was against him by an unusual seed (II Kings 3:25-27). Use a beyond-the-ordinary-offering to break the siege of the enemy over your life.

5. Fasting (Matt. 17:21, Mk. 9:29) is a force. Jesus says that there are certain miracles that will never come except by fasting and prayer; Jesus himself did not start ministry until he had done 40 days and nights of fasting.

You can release your glory by all these tools beginning from today. They worked for others before you and will still work for anyone who will work with the same principles. When the power of God showed up in the days of Jesus every anti-glory matter like sickness and diseases vanished. In like manner today, I decree, every anti-glory force in your life and destiny, disappear, in Jesus’ name. As you employ these instruments to bring power for glory, your testimony will not be less than those chronicled in the scriptures above.

* I activate power for glory in my life today by prayer, righteousness and faith.
* I will surely testify of glory in life, in Jesus’ name.

I declare by the force of Heaven that those waiting to mock me will wait in vain, in Jesus’ name.