Thursday, April 30, 2015

From Poverty to Wealth

Thursday 30 April
READ: Deut. 8:18
MORE LESSON: Amos 9:13

There is a law of cause and effect that governs everything in life. Wealth doesn't just happen, it is gotten as God reveals, thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day: Deut 8: 18. Notice that this scripture doesn't say that God gives you wealth but that He gives you the power to get wealth. So you can't sit at home doing nothing and expect wealth to come. God is committed to make things happen for you when you do something.

Another principle of increase is giving. People who hate to give will be poor because God doesn't prosper a tight-fisted man. Stinginess will activate the operation of poverty in a man's life. Equally, men that do not do anything will be poor because God doesn't prosper a lazy man. Laziness reduces a man to zero, The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute. Prov. 12: 24. Another harbinger of poverty is reckless spending. Some waste all the resources that God puts in their hands because they buy everything they see, whether necessary or not. The Bible says that the lazy man and the man that cannot control his spending are brothers, and their father is poverty, He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster: Prov 18:9.

However, God's covenant with you is of wealth and not poverty. So you have to work by the principles of the Kingdom, and you will see that the Lord is committed to blessing you. God wants to bless you so abundantly that you will not be able to harvest it all, The time will come," says the Lord, "when the grain and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested: Amos 9:13 (NLT). God's intention is to increase you till you become a thousand times more than you are presently, May the LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you! Deut 1: 11. I want you to believe this scripture so that it can impart on you the confidence to rise above poverty into prosperity. God is not satisfied with what you are now, no matter how big you think you are. He wants to make you a thousand times more. A hundred percent increase is not all that God can give, He can give you a thousand increase.

Break away from the habits that propagate poverty and commit to the Kingdom principles of diligence, giving, saving, investment, wisdom and prayer. And God will take poverty far away from your generation of children and make you prosperous.

*Ask the Lord for the power to get wealth.
* Ask God to give you grace to follow the principles of the Scripture for prosperity.
* Ask the Lord to make you a thousand times more and bless you as He has promised.
* Ask God for wisdom to manage the prosperity He will give you for His Kingdom and glory.

I celebrate the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for not giving me over to the wishes of my enemy this far into 2015.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Garment of Glory

Wednesday 29 April
READ: Ex 28: 1-2
MORE LESSON: Num 20: 25 - 29

God instructed that holy garments be made for Aaron the high priest for glory and for beauty and on the garments were written Holiness to the Lord: Exo. 28: 36. When Aaron was to die and cease to be the high priest, God said that he should be stripped of the garment that he wore and the garment was to be given to Eleazar his son. It was only after the garment was removed from him that he died, And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; and Aaron died there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount: Num 20: 28.

Aaron’s garment was for glory, beauty and also for divine immunity upon his life. In other words, God wanted to take away Aaron but He couldn't until the garment of glory that he wore was removed. Conversely, Eleazar didn't become high priest until the garment of glory was put on him. The garment of glory put upon a man is the spiritual cover of God on him for glory, favour and protection.

The enemy always tries to strip believers of the garment of glory that God puts upon them because he knows that he cannot tamper with them as long as they have that garment on their lives. This garment is a holy garment; so satan's age long strategy to remove the garment of glory from a man's destiny is to introduce sin into the man's life. I pray that the enemy will not be able to strip you of the garment of glory, in Jesus’ name. If you are in a position of glory in ministry, family, business or career, abide in the holiness of God because that is the security and sustenance of your garment of glory.

Your prayer daily should be that God should clothe you with the heavenly garment of glory that the enemy cannot take away. When God clothes you with glory, you will never see shame. This is the prayer of Paul, For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked: 2 Cor 5:2-3. Nakedness stands for shame. I pray that you will neither see shame nor be found naked. The garment of glory will be upon your destiny continually in life and eternity.

* Ask God for the garment of glory for beauty and divine immunity, protection and favour.
* Declare that your garment of glory shall never be removed.
* Pray that the power of sin that removed the garment of glory from Adam and Eve shall not be your portion.

The Lord that answered Moses speedily at the Red sea, answer me by fire today and release my long awaited blessings to me now, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Giant Killers

Tuesday 28 April
READ: 2 Sam 21: 15 - 22
MORE LESSON: Psa. 18:32-35

We need to exercise the same kind of faith and boldness that our fathers applied in the Scripture. David was probably a teenager when he was anointed king but when he saw the harassment of Israel by Goliath, he stood up to confront the challenge. He displayed a level of faith and boldness that is worthy of our emulation. There are many Goliaths facing the Church today and God is still looking for the Davids of our time that He will use to silence them. We need men that will stand up and take responsibility to stop the harassment of the Church by the enemy, as David stopped the reproach of Israel in the hands of Goliath (1 Sam 17: 8 – 10).

It wasn't only David that was the giant killer. There were some men that looked as if they had no future (1 Sam 22: 1 -2), who were more or less like the 'area boys' of the time: they were in debt, discontented, distressed and frustrated with life. They gathered around David and he started training and building them up. These same men were later dubbed by the Scripture as the mighty men of David. (2 Sam. 23:8).The Bible is replete with the amazing exploits of the ‘area boys’ turned great men of God. These mighty men became giant killers as well. David did not only confront his giant but also raised men that could confront giants. One of the problems of the present day Church is that we are not raising men that can confront giants but men that only jump up, shout and claim blessings but run when challenges face the Church. The leaders of the Church need to stand up to confront the giants facing the Church and take up the challenge of raising men that can slay giants as well.

A time came when David was old and there was another battle with the Philistines. Another giant faced David, got the upper hand and was determined to kill him. But one of the men that David raised quickly came to his rescue and slew the giant. The security of a leader is in how many giant killers he raises because they are the ones that will confront the giants of the future when they want to destroy the leader. As a believer or pastor, don't just raise your children or church members to be superficial Christians that seek convenience in the faith life. Rather raise them to be men that can stand up to confront the giants that face them and the Church. The only way you can teach them to be giant killers is to make them see you rise up when giants confront the Church and not run into hiding, because they will do what they see you do. Giant killers, arise and raise others too!

* Say, Lord, make me a giant killer and use me to raise greater giant killers.
* Pray that there shall be no more weaklings in the Church of Jesus.
Take oil and anoint yourself and family members for the release of the giants in you.

In the name of Jesus, I receive the strength of the Lord to leap over every wall of impossibility.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Glory of the Call

Monday 27 April
READ: Rom 8: 29-32
MORE LESSON: Jn.17:22-23

Many times when we talk about glory, we think about material acquisition. Material acquisition is good but that is not what glory is. It is good that we understand what glory really is so that we can first of all go for the glory, even as we are blessed with material things, For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified: Rom 8:29-30 (NKJV).
There is the glory of the call of God, because when God calls a man, the end result of that call is glory. God called Abraham and he responded to the call and the whole world today can testify to the glory that Abraham has. When God calls you and you respond to the call, you have subscribed to glory. The call of God is first to salvation and then to whatever He lays on your heart to do for Him.

The text says that God predestines those He foreknows, i.e those of whom He is aware and loves. I want you to know that you have been foreknown, chosen and predestined even before the foundation of the world, According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will: Eph.1:4-5.

But that is not all, you have not only been foreknown and predestined, you have been called and the call is meant to result in glory, His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that HATH CALLED US TO GLORY AND VIRTUE: 2 Peter 1:3.

So you must know that you have been chosen, foreknown, predestined and called. There is just one more thing you have to do, that is to respond to the call. If you have not responded to the call to salvation, do that today. If God has laid something on your heart and you have not done it, do it today. If God has called you to an assignment and you have not obeyed, obey today. When you respond to the call to salvation or assignment, God will take over from there; He will justify you. Justification means He will show that it is He who called you. He will prove you are not guilty no matter your past. He will cover your faults no matter how glaring they are. Whatever any one has to say against you, He will back you up. And finally He will glorify you. There is a glory in God's call, respond today to the call of Jehovah.

* Ask the Lord to remove fear and ignorance that could hinder you from responding to God’s call to service.
* Pray that all servants of God will manifest the glory of their call and not see shame.
* Pray that the glory of God upon you will attract others to serve God and not scare them away.

In the name of Jesus, I declare that no situation of this world, positive or negative shall take the Kingdom of God from me.