Tuesday 28 April
READ: 2 Sam 21: 15 - 22
MORE LESSON: Psa. 18:32-35
We need to exercise the same kind of faith and boldness that our fathers applied in the Scripture. David was probably a teenager when he was anointed king but when he saw the harassment of Israel by Goliath, he stood up to confront the challenge. He displayed a level of faith and boldness that is worthy of our emulation. There are many Goliaths facing the Church today and God is still looking for the Davids of our time that He will use to silence them. We need men that will stand up and take responsibility to stop the harassment of the Church by the enemy, as David stopped the reproach of Israel in the hands of Goliath (1 Sam 17: 8 – 10).
It wasn't only David that was the giant killer. There were some men that looked as if they had no future (1 Sam 22: 1 -2), who were more or less like the 'area boys' of the time: they were in debt, discontented, distressed and frustrated with life. They gathered around David and he started training and building them up. These same men were later dubbed by the Scripture as the mighty men of David. (2 Sam. 23:8).The Bible is replete with the amazing exploits of the ‘area boys’ turned great men of God. These mighty men became giant killers as well. David did not only confront his giant but also raised men that could confront giants. One of the problems of the present day Church is that we are not raising men that can confront giants but men that only jump up, shout and claim blessings but run when challenges face the Church. The leaders of the Church need to stand up to confront the giants facing the Church and take up the challenge of raising men that can slay giants as well.
A time came when David was old and there was another battle with the Philistines. Another giant faced David, got the upper hand and was determined to kill him. But one of the men that David raised quickly came to his rescue and slew the giant. The security of a leader is in how many giant killers he raises because they are the ones that will confront the giants of the future when they want to destroy the leader. As a believer or pastor, don't just raise your children or church members to be superficial Christians that seek convenience in the faith life. Rather raise them to be men that can stand up to confront the giants that face them and the Church. The only way you can teach them to be giant killers is to make them see you rise up when giants confront the Church and not run into hiding, because they will do what they see you do. Giant killers, arise and raise others too!
* Say, Lord, make me a giant killer and use me to raise greater giant killers.
* Pray that there shall be no more weaklings in the Church of Jesus.
Take oil and anoint yourself and family members for the release of the giants in you.
In the name of Jesus, I receive the strength of the Lord to leap over every wall of impossibility.
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