Tuesday 14 April
READ: Heb. 11:16-26
MORE LESSONS: Rev. 21;1-27
Paul admonished the Galatians, For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor: Gal. 2:18. Today’s reading further gives us reasons why Moses, Joshua and Caleb were not mindful of Egypt where they came from. They had a desire for the better country, a desire that was ever on their minds. They looked for a city which had foundations whose builder and maker is God (Heb. 11:10). They were concerned about the city that God Himself prepared for them: the streets of gold, the beautiful mansions, the crown of life, eternity with God, etc. No wonder they were committed and never contemplated going back to Egypt.
Unlike Moses, Joshua and Caleb, the love and crave for the material things of this world have taken over many people who, like the rich fool in Lk. 12:13-21, have no desire for a better country (heaven). Rather, they are busy laying up treasures on earth, drinking, eating and making merry. You can know whether a man has a desire for heaven or not by the way he invests his treasures, time and energy: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also: Matt. 6:21.
Heaven is a better country because believers will be in God’s presence and will not be limited by time and space. That is where Paul, Peter, David are now. Nothing in this world compares with it. The rich man in Lazarus’ story saw it from hell and greatly desired it for himself and his siblings but it was too late. Today is the time to decide for heaven by surrendering your life to Jesus in everything, living a holy life and burning everything that drags you back to Egypt, no matter how valuable and expensive they may be.
* Ask God to restore your first love for Him and His work.
* Ask for more of God in everything.
* Pray for a life totally focused and committed to eternal values.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over this day and I refuse the enemy from having any memorial in it.
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