Thursday 11 June
READ: Jn. 13:1
MORE LESSONS: Rom. 8:35-39
The greatest gift of God to man is His love for man. Through this love, He sent Jesus to us, pardoned us and gave us all things richly to enjoy. The strength of our Christian faith is also based on this love. Because He loves us, He gave us all things; understanding and acceptance of God’s love are therefore the root of our relationship with Him. The moment you lose focus and understanding of His love for you, everything between you and God comes crashing down.
In essence, you accept Christ into your life because you believe He loves you, the moment that love fades out of your heart, your relationship with Christ is broken; therefore, to protect your redemption, you must sustain your love for Christ! There are many things out there threatening your love for Christ; which must not be allowed because they have the capability to take your redemption from you. Today's reading mentions some of them - tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, sickness, delay in marriage, barrenness, joblessness, imagination, crisis, failure, financial difficulty etc. It takes knowing that God loves you to be able to overcome these things. They are actually sent as arrows against your love for Christ.
The point is, whatever you lose in life should not take your love for God away. Whatever can make you doubt God's love for you is a risk to your faith, so keep your love for God at all costs; whatever you lose in life, don't lose your love for God and everything will be secure.
You will recover whatever Satan takes from you as long as your love for God stands.
How do you defend that love? (1) Read, keep and believe God's Word ever. (2) Keep company with people who love God, genuinely and in all situations (3) Get permanently busy for God. (4) Let prayer be the bus stop for all your pains. The moment a matter is handed over to God in prayer, let it remain there, no pity party, no complaint and no giving up! Keep your love for God burning and your eternity will be sure, and every other thing will be added here on earth.
* Tell God, “I will always love You, with or without the challenges of life”.
* Say like Job, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job 13:15
--I have decided to follow Jesus (3x) No turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me (3x) No turning back, no turning back.
I will walk the path and run the race, and shall not be weary or faint on the way, in the name of Jesus.