Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Vows and Promises

Tuesday 9 June
READ: Ecc. 5:4-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 50:14-15

Vows in the Scripture are always about asking God to do something you critically need, promising to do or give something in return to God. There are many examples in the Bible. Hannah vowed that if God would give her a child, she would give him back to God. God did and she fulfilled her vow. Jephthah vowed that if God would give him victory over the Ammonites he would sacrifice whatever first came out of his house to meet him to God (Judg. 11:35). It was his precious daughter, his only child, that came out to welcome him and he offered her to the Lord. God always honours such vows and it is better not to vow than to vow and not fulfil it.

A promise is different from a vow. A promise could be to a man or to God or to an organisation. Unlike a vow, a promise is not made in return for your need being met. Although in giving a promise you may not be expecting something in return for your action, God expects you to keep your word. Be a promise keeper and walk in integrity. By so doing you will find favour with God and with man.
The point is, a vow is different from a promise. A vow is asking God to meet a need with a promise that you will do something in return when the need is met, on the other hand, a promise is a commitment to be part of something like a church project, or even an individual project, for which you are not expecting anything in return. You just want to be a part of fulfilling a vision that is dear to your heart. Whatever it is that you promise, whether in form of a vow, a pledge, or a commitment, be a man/woman of your word. Make sure you keep the promise and the Lord will bless you. God has been too faithful to us to be denied anything, and when we are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us.

* Repent of all commitments, vows, pledges or promises you made in the past that you have not redeemed. Ask the Lord to forgive you and to provide for you to fulfil them speedily.

* Ask for divine provision, ability and strength to fulfil your vows, promises, pledges and commitments.

* Ask for the wisdom and discipline not to be rash in making promises.

* Ask for the favour of the Lord upon the works of your hand and the restoration of all that might have been lost to not keeping promises and vows to the Lord.

My head will never lack oil, and the enemy shall not be able to soil my garment, as the Lord lives.


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