Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Valuing the Voice of God I

Tuesday 28 July
READ: Jn. 10:24-30

The GPS navigator system in a car might be of very little value to its owner until he drives into a big city for the first time and all he knows about where he is going is the name of the destination. That's the moment when the advantage of having a navigation system fitted car will be appreciated. You will suddenly put all your trust in the directives of the electronic navigator that was once abandoned, and obey its directives aptly and without a second thought because of the pressing need to arrive at your destination.

We never know the value of a thing until we are in a situation where we cannot do without it. It is just the way our minds are conditioned to respond naturally. It is the same with the voice of God. We don't seem to realise how much we need God's voice until all of hell breaks loose and there is no where else to turn; then we come running to the feet of the Master in tears, asking for just one word from Him. Man desires an attention with God, but God desires a relationship with us; that's why He speaks to our hearts. One of the free benefits to the New Testament Christian is complete and unhindered access to the mind of God. In fact, one major proof that you are a child of God is that you can hear God, if He is your Father, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Jn. 10:27.

God is more than a GPS car navigator; He is our Father and Friend. The purpose of God's voice and leading is so that we would be more intimate with Him, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God: Rom.8:14. By the leading of the voice of God, we grow to maturity in God.

We receive wisdom of God to respond to the challenges of life with answers and solutions. But if you seek the Lord only when you have pressing needs, He may come to your rescue in His mercy. But for how long do you want to keep running in and out on God when you can stay in His presence and know the Master for yourself? How will you even recognise His leading and gentle promptings when you have not developed the culture of valuing His voice? The voice of God is the most valuable aid and guide in the Christian walk. God is speaking, listen to the voice of God today.

Among others, you can hear God’s voice from His Word, the Bible, you can hear it in the place of prayer, personal or by a prophetic Word from others, which ever you desire be sure to verify it by the Bible.

* Appreciate God for your unlimited access to His mind.
* Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to hear God’s voice clearly in all matters.
* Ask God to take away every sinful obstruction that can break your continuous contact with God.
* Ask God to keep you permanently in His presence.

All legislations and satanic ordinances of sudden death, I abrogate you from my destiny this year, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Build the Kingdom IV

Monday 27 July
READ: I Cor.3:6-15
MORE LESSON: Phil.2:19-30

There are different builders in the Kingdom but not all builders are acceptable to the Lord. It is imperative to take a good look at the variety of builders in the Kingdom and make a choice to build well and acceptably. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for or God is a consuming fire: Heb.12:28-29. Obviously from this scripture it is not all service or work that is acceptable: Some people's work will be burnt and their labour wasted. May your work on earth earn you rewards here on earth and eternally, in Jesus’ name!

There are various builders in the Kingdom.
1. There are those with selfish ambition, working insincerely (Phil.1:15-16). They work with negative attitudes of envy and strife, and just because they see others doing it and getting accolades. They enviously and presumptuously start doing such without a target of building God's Kingdom but to prove they can also do it. Such people have no reward for such labour. Do not be like such builders.

2. Some will not work but delight to sow evil seeds in the work. These are called evil workers (Phil.3:1-3); they pull down what others are building. They are religious busybodies who will not build but occupy the ones building with irrelevant and controversial matters in the church. They go about spreading gossips and rumours about other builders in the church. Hate to be like such.

3. Others build in God's Kingdom to enrich themselves (Phil.3:17-19).They exaggerate prices to make gain for themselves when sent on church errands. They claim that church money is everyone's money; they are stealing and justifying it. Such builders have no eternal reward, that is if at all they even enter heaven at last.

4. Phil.2:19-20 talks about good builders who are true sons in their Father's house; they do not build like hirelings. Paul called Timothy such a son because Timothy worked hard in service. He was loyal to the work and to Paul. He had a proven character and a lifestyle of service. Labour like Timothy and you would have built well.

5. Phil.2:25 talks of those who build like Epaphroditus, a man who served the church. He bridged the gap between the people and supplied the service needed. No wonder when he became sick, Paul agonized to God to raise him up like He raised Dorcas in Acts 9:38-41. Such builders must not die in the Church. Labour to be a good builder and know that God rewards diligent builders here on earth and eternally (Mk.10:28-31).

* Lord, help me to be a good builder in Your Kingdom, one who builds with right motives and attitude.
* I renounce every attitude that will cause my work to be burnt by fire.
* I will not lose my rewards as a wise builder in God's Kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

I join forces with the hosts of heaven and declare that 2015 will not announce my obituary, and the arrows of death shall pass over me, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Build the Kingdom III

Sunday 26 July
READ: I Cor.12: 12-31
MORE LESSON: Matt.25:14-30

As we continue to meditate on how to build God's Kingdom, I appeal that you set your hearts on these things and do them. As you obey, you will find joy that you are contributing your portion to build God's Kingdom, and rewards await you in eternity for your service.

How else can you build the Kingdom of God? You can do so by using your God-given gifts. Our reading today clearly says that everyone (young and old) has gifts. Apostle Peter also buttressed this truth: As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God: I Pet. 4:10. God has given everyone unique gifts peculiar to him for the advance His Kingdom on earth and to give men relevance and self-fulfilment.

Pulpit ministry is a small percent of what it takes to build the Church. Majority of those that make the Church grow and expand are found in the pews (Eph.4:11-12). It is wrong of you to say that because you have not been asked to preach a sermon on the pulpit you are irrelevant in God's house. It is like the finger nail or nose saying it is irrelevant to the body because it is not the mouth that always speaks. This is why Paul took time to compare the Church to the human body and clearly explained that each member has a unique function and role that must be identified and carried out effectively for the body to be healthy and functional.

Note the following and arise to build the Kingdom of God. 
1. Every believer is not a pastor but every believer is called into ministry (Eph.2:10). You are called to minister to the world and the Church. In God's army there are no volunteers; all are drafted into service.

2. Every ministry is important; you are important in the body of Christ. There is no insignificant ministry in the body of Christ. Small ministries often make the greatest difference (I Cor. 12:18-22). Some ministries are visible while some are hidden behind the scenes, but all are equally vital.

3. We are dependent on one another; every ministry is intertwined with all the others. No single ministry can accomplish what Christ has told the Church to do so we must depend on and cooperate with all other members of the body of Christ. When one person misbehaves, the whole system suffers. Please, play your part well. Work together with others in humility and focus on glorifying God in all you do.

Put your gift to work and do not wait for men to call you to work in your Father's house. It is like a child who waits for an invitation to work in his father's house. Get involved in the work on ground in your local assembly and build the Kingdom!

* Ask for grace to identify your uniqueness and use it to build God's Kingdom.
* Renounce all spiritual apathy and laziness towards service in God's house. 
Make a list of what you will be involved in doing using your gifts and talents in God's house. Start now!

In the powerful name of Jesus, I call forth my glory out of the net and prison of witchcraft and failure, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Build the Kingdom II

Saturday 25 July
READ: Matt.28:16-20
MORE LESSON: I Cor.5:9-12

It has been said that every one that is a part of the Church must do his duty and build the Church. As you build the Church you are building God's Kingdom. Another way you can be involved in building the Kingdom is to first catch the vision of the Church. A man without vision is not motivated, active or useful. The vision of soul winning must be caught constantly. Consider Jesus’ analogy of evangelism as “fishing”. He called disciples to follow Him and be fishers of men. To several people, fishing is a hobby, but when it concerns fishing for men, Jesus is not just calling for a hobby; it is a call to a lifestyle. Soul winning is the lifestyle of the body of Christ. It is actually the only duty the Church is to be doing now using different strategies (individually and collectively). His last instruction to the Church is, Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Matt 28:19.

This is the vision of the church that everyone who claims to know God as Father must catch and be zealously, strenuously and tirelessly involved in. Several people who have been in the Church for years after their salvation experience have lost the vision of evangelism and they call that “spiritual maturity”. It is a mark of backsliding when you have grown to a point you can no longer bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Check your life today! How many people have come through you into the family of God? How many have been established through you in the Christian faith? Arise and build by telling others of what you tasted in Christ and how He turned your night into day.

How can you win souls and thus build the Kingdom? You must do it the way Jesus did it. This includes: (1) The show of love (Matt. 9:36).Jesus loves lost people; He is friendly and warm towards the lost. Great churches are built on love for God, one another and unbelievers. To win souls and build the Kingdom, we must intentionally express love to the lost in ways they can comprehend. (2) Give acceptance without approving sin. Jesus ate with Zacchaeus and accepted him without approving his dishonest life style. He publicly defended the dignity of the woman caught in adultery without trivialising her sin. Win people by treating them with dignity and respect. (3) Jesus meets the needs of the lost. He does not make them feel guilty about their needs-physical, emotional, spiritual, relational and financial.

Growing churches involved in building the Kingdom are meeting real needs of people. You want to win souls and build God's Kingdom, then you must meet needs. This also means you are a doer of the Word (James 2:15-16).

* Say, ‘Lord, from today, I cultivate a lifestyle of soul winning wherever I go’. 
* Ask the Father to let compassion for sinners stir you to reach out to the lost with love, warmth and friendliness.
Look around you and identify at least 2 people whose needs you can meet and bring them into the Kingdom.

Head or tail, I shall make heaven, in Jesus’ name.