Monday, July 27, 2015

Build the Kingdom IV

Monday 27 July
READ: I Cor.3:6-15
MORE LESSON: Phil.2:19-30

There are different builders in the Kingdom but not all builders are acceptable to the Lord. It is imperative to take a good look at the variety of builders in the Kingdom and make a choice to build well and acceptably. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for or God is a consuming fire: Heb.12:28-29. Obviously from this scripture it is not all service or work that is acceptable: Some people's work will be burnt and their labour wasted. May your work on earth earn you rewards here on earth and eternally, in Jesus’ name!

There are various builders in the Kingdom.
1. There are those with selfish ambition, working insincerely (Phil.1:15-16). They work with negative attitudes of envy and strife, and just because they see others doing it and getting accolades. They enviously and presumptuously start doing such without a target of building God's Kingdom but to prove they can also do it. Such people have no reward for such labour. Do not be like such builders.

2. Some will not work but delight to sow evil seeds in the work. These are called evil workers (Phil.3:1-3); they pull down what others are building. They are religious busybodies who will not build but occupy the ones building with irrelevant and controversial matters in the church. They go about spreading gossips and rumours about other builders in the church. Hate to be like such.

3. Others build in God's Kingdom to enrich themselves (Phil.3:17-19).They exaggerate prices to make gain for themselves when sent on church errands. They claim that church money is everyone's money; they are stealing and justifying it. Such builders have no eternal reward, that is if at all they even enter heaven at last.

4. Phil.2:19-20 talks about good builders who are true sons in their Father's house; they do not build like hirelings. Paul called Timothy such a son because Timothy worked hard in service. He was loyal to the work and to Paul. He had a proven character and a lifestyle of service. Labour like Timothy and you would have built well.

5. Phil.2:25 talks of those who build like Epaphroditus, a man who served the church. He bridged the gap between the people and supplied the service needed. No wonder when he became sick, Paul agonized to God to raise him up like He raised Dorcas in Acts 9:38-41. Such builders must not die in the Church. Labour to be a good builder and know that God rewards diligent builders here on earth and eternally (Mk.10:28-31).

* Lord, help me to be a good builder in Your Kingdom, one who builds with right motives and attitude.
* I renounce every attitude that will cause my work to be burnt by fire.
* I will not lose my rewards as a wise builder in God's Kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

I join forces with the hosts of heaven and declare that 2015 will not announce my obituary, and the arrows of death shall pass over me, in Jesus’ name.


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