Wednesday 22 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4
MORE LESSON: Luke 6:40
Yesterday, we learnt from the same Bible passage few lessons from the disciple of Jesus who did not hold back from asking his Master to teach him and others to pray. This disciple was simply saying to Jesus, “Make us like you are. We see you pray, but we cannot do as you do”. The disciple must have seen the effect of prayer in Jesus' life and ministry, and had come to a conclusion that what made the difference between them and their Master was His prayer life.
There are three marks of a true disciple we should learn today. (1) Ability to see the grace and virtues your master possess. Some followers cannot see the grace that their leaders carry. So, they have nothing to aspire to in their leaders' lives. For this reason they look down on or rub shoulders with their leaders. (2) This disciple had just one ultimate aspiration; he simply wanted to be like his Master. Jesus also once told them: It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord: Matt. 10:25a.
There is nothing as satisfying as walking in the shoes of your master. The peak of your training as a disciple is to be able to do what your master can do. Jesus once said to them: The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master: Lk. 6:40. You are considered mature (perfect) when you can stand in the place of your master.
(3) This disciple knew the master-key to his boss's success, and would not hesitate to be trained in the same. There are some bad disciples who upon perceiving the secret of their master, work to undermine, steal, or hijack it. Rather than submitting themselves under him to learn, they quickly break away to pitch their own tent and replicate what their master is doing. Until you are taught, you cannot become a master; only masters can develop new techniques. Your refusal to be under teaching for a season will be the singular reason why you will never get to the top.
I challenge you this day to learn from this disciple. Ask your leader to make you like him. Ask the LORD to open your eyes to see what He has vested in your leader for your sake. Do not be rebellious against those who have gone ahead of you. Wait until your master releases you with a word of blessing and a befitting send-forth. Don't usurp, hijack or compete with your master. Know for sure that the seed you sow today will become fruits that you will harvest tomorrow. Do not hold back from asking your master to teach you to become like him.
* Jesus, make me like You in all ramifications.
* I receive grace to learn under my Master Jesus and be weaned at the appropriate time.
Whatever I lost from January-June, I restore back seven folds this week, in Jesus’ name.
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