Saturday, July 18, 2015

Speak Back!

Saturday 18 
READ: Josh 6: 26 - 27
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11: 3

There is nothing in the universe whose origin is not in the Word. Everything was created by the spoken word. The same way everything was created by speaking so also can things be destroyed by speaking. A believer must not just learn to speak positive situations into existence in his life, he must also learn to speak back to negative ones and destroy them. Don't allow anything to shut your mouth such that you cannot make declaration into your own life anymore. The Christian life is lived by speaking.

It is not correct for a believer to wake up from a bad dream and start crying and panicking. What do you have a mouth for? Don't cry or fret, just use your mouth to cancel that negative dream in the name of Jesus. Also if somebody curses you as a believer, there is no need to fear, just use your own mouth to reverse the curse and turn it to a blessing for yourself. If the person believes he has the mouth to curse you, you also have the mouth to return it. There is something called 'back to the sender'. If sickness wants to harass you, know that the sickness came from somewhere; use your mouth to send it back. In the same way send all afflictions, negativity, pain and misfortunes back. Use your mouth to speak to everything that you don't want in your life to leave. If it wants to know where to go, tell it to go where it came from.

Jericho was like the gate-city that Israel needed to pass through to get into the Promised Land. However Jericho closed the door against Joshua and the children of Israel and even tried to kill the Israelites sent to spy the land. (Josh 2: 3 – 6). They fought against Joshua in battle to stop Israel from making progress but after victory over Jericho, Joshua did something. He declared that any man that would rebuild the city of Jericho, he will lay the foundation at the cost of his first child and build the gate at the cost of his last child. (Josh 6: 26). By so doing, Joshua was declaring that the challenge that gave him trouble shall never rise again. Jericho wanted to stop Joshua but he used his mouth to finish Jericho.

This morning you are to speak back to everything that wants to destroy your destiny and you are going to terminate them. Never let the enemy have the last word in your matter, declare the final verdict with your mouth. Use your mouth to speak back to situations and circumstance and close the book on any negative thing in your life.

* Speak every word ever spoken against you back to sender.
* Command that the shout of the king will swallow every enemy’s noise in your life ( Num. 23:21).
* Lay your hands on your chest and prophesy greatness into your life and destiny.

As Caleb expelled the existing giants dwelling on his heritage, so I expel every territorial spirit occupying my inheritance today, in Jesus’ name.


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