Sunday, July 12, 2015

Helped by Mercy

Sunday 12 July
READ: Psa. 89: 28 - 34
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam 9: 6 - 13

The mercy of God is no respecter of persons. If the help of God locates a beggar, it sets him on the throne (1 Sam 2: 8). No matter your past struggles or present mistakes, God's help can take you into your desired future. Mephibosheth was a lame man who had been struggling all his life, but when the help of God located him, he had wealth restored to him and became one of the few people that sat daily at the king's table (2 Sam 9: 7). There were people with two functional legs that had no food, table or home but a lame man sat at table with the king, eating the king's delicacy and had wealth bestowed upon him that he didn't even need to touch as his needs were met by the king. The gap between poverty and wealth is bridged only by the help of God, and today the help of God will transit you from your present level to wealth, in Jesus’ name.

It was the mercy of God, which David found, that helped him to the throne. He was just a son of a farmer from a little village called Bethlehem but the help of God located him and took him to the throne. It was still the help of God that sustained David on the throne; there was a time he killed a man and usurped his wife, God reprimanded him but God didn't take the throne from him. In fact, God made a promise to him, If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips: Psa. 89:28-34. Imagine this dimension of mercy, God gave David’s lineage advance forgiveness and help. It was like God was saying, I know your children and lineage will sin against Me but I have had mercy on them in advance. No matter what they do, I will forgive them and not take the throne from them.

Remember Saul was the original holder of that same throne, but he made a mistake and that was it; he was gone: no second chance. God took the kingdom and gave it to David and said that he was His beloved and no matter what, the throne will stay with his generation forever. That is not something David qualified for; it is God's help as an act of His mercy. 
Today, God's mercy will locate you and you will be helped beyond your qualifications, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that God’s mercy and help will locate you in destiny and life.
* Read Isa.55:3 and ask God for the “sure mercies” of David as a covenant for your life time.
* Say, “Lord, help me by Your mercy”.

I prophesy against every accuser of my destiny; you shall not prevail, in Jesus’ name.


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