Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Grace for Impact

Wednesday 8 July
READ: I Cor. 15:10, Titus 2:11-13
MORE LESSON: Jn. 1:17, Rom. 5:1-2

Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favour of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the blessings of God bestowed on man. Grace is the ability of God which is made resident in man and makes him to do things beyond human capability. Impact, on the other hand, is a marked effect or a strong influence on someone or something. A man can make impact when the force of power that rules the universe, that is the power of God freely given to man by grace, is behind him.
To make impact therefore, you must do the following:
1. Value your prayer life, (Jer. 33:3, Mk. 1:35) and sharpen your prayer life. Your life cannot progress more than your prayer life. Show me a man of prayers and I will show you a man of exploits. If Jesus Himself had to pray so much while on earth, you can't do less.
- The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.
- Jacob prayed to prevail against Esau's army.
- Hannah prayed to remove the stigma of barreness.
- Daniel prayed and became reknown; he succeeded and ruled in a land of captivity.
2. Value God's Word. You can’t be better than the information you have. The Bible says to let the Word of God dwell in you richly. Your success and prosperity are attached to the Word of God (Josh. 1:8). It is only the Word of God that can order your life so that iniquity will not prevail (Psa. 119:133). The Word of God must be regarded more than your physical food (Lk. 4:4). It is the level of God's Word in you that helps your prayer life.
3. Live a life of unconditional obedience. Abraham became the friend of God because of his unconditional obedience to God.
4. Live a sacrificial life, giving up everything for God and the Kingdom of God.
5. Live a selfless life. Always look beyond yourself and your circumstance and you will live beyond your generation.
6. Your intimacy with God determines your ability to attract His grace, mercy and composition which will make you to experience His benevolence. This is what characterized the life of David; and no wonder his impact remains till date.

* Lord, please intervene in my life; make me a man/woman of impact.
* Lord, remove from my life every form of selfishness so that I can flow to others.

Father, before the end of this month, send additional help to my destiny, in Jesus’ name


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