Monday, July 13, 2015

Except the Lord Builds the House

Monday 13 July
READ: Psa. 127: 1

It is important that we learn to trust in the Lord than in our own might. No matter how strong or able a man is, he can't get anything done except by the help of the Lord. In fact, God takes it upon Himself to frustrate a man who wants to show that he can live without Him.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm: Psa. 20:7-8 (NIV). Those that trust in their own ability fall but as many as trust in the Lord will stand firm. Our text says, Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: Psa 127:1. This tells us that only God, and not the labour of his hands, can give a man success. There are many people that are labouring, so it is not labour that can distinguish you; it is favour from God.
There are people who didn't go to school who are living well and there are educated men begging. Many people can be in the same business and one has his bank account fat from the proceeds of the business while others are bankrupt. There are people who ordinarily are qualified and are overlooked and some that are not but are making progress. I know people who have 3rd class and got good jobs while 1st class graduates walk around jobless. People work and it is like they are fetching water inside a basket; they have nothing to show for it. These prove the truth of the Scripture that except the Lord builds a house, the builders build in vain.
There is a building whose foundation has been laid for well over 20 years near Zion House where I live. Before I started building Zion House the said foundation had been laid, with stones, sand, laterite and many other building materials at site, one would think they would soon build the house but it stayed there for years. I started building, finished and moved into my house and the building remains undeveloped. I concluded that, of a truth, except the Lord builds a house, it can't be built because here is the foundation of a house that looked as if it had everything for it to be built but has remained unbuilt for more than 20 years.
I want you to invite God to build your life, home, business, career or ministry. Do not leave your life to chance and do not attempt to do it by your own power and might. God is the Master Builder who builds all things (Heb 3: 4). You will build successfully when He builds with you.

* Ask God to help you trust in Him than your labour and strength.
* Ask God for divine favour to succeed in life.
* Pray for divine approval for unprecedental breakthrough before this year ends.

In 2015, I shall be decorated with medals of testimonies to the shame of my enemies, in Jesus’ mighty name.


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