Tuesday 21 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4
The topic today was a request made to Jesus by one of His disciples after He ended a prayer session. A close study of the Bible passage shows that this disciple's request was not a flippant one. It was also not a spontaneous request made out of confusion like Apostle Peter’s at the Mount of Transfiguration when he saw the glory of Jesus and exclaimed: ...Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias...: Matt. 17:4.The scripture says Peter spoke not knowing what he said. The request for a teaching on how to pray and not for the regular mundane things of life like bread and fish that some other followers of Jesus were pursuing. This disciple was not looking for how to sit at the left or right hand of Jesus when He eventually begins to reign as a king. Rather, his interest was about doing what he saw Jesus doing often and regularly.
This disciple must have been studying Jesus and had observed that when He was baptized, Jesus was praying and heaven opened (Lk. 3:21). He saw when Jesus withdrew into the wilderness, and prayed (Lk. 5:16). He was a witness to how Jesus went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer (Lk. 6:12). Jesus was alone praying (Lk. 9:18); soon after, He went up into a mountain to pray, and as He prayed He was transfigured (Lk. 9:28-29); and Lk. 11:1 also records that Jesus was praying in a certain place.
There are at least seven strong lessons to learn from this disciple. (1) The gifts and graces of others should be to coveted earnestly. (2) The zeal of others should provoke you into a holy imitation and emulation.
(3) Never get jealous of others even when you are not excelling as much as they are doing; simply go closer and ask the person to teach you. (4) Don't be haughty in manner; humble yourself to request your superior, colleague or subordinate to teach you what you don't know how to do. (5) The disciple was not selfish about his request. Note that he did not say, “Teach me”, but “Teach us”. He knew how important it was for a disciple to be like his Master, and he wanted others to share in the same blessing.
(6) The secret of becoming is in teaching. You will never attain except you are taught; be teachable. (7) This disciple had seen how John taught his disciples to pray, and he wanted to learn. He did not break rank or defect to be taught by another. Rather, he went to his own Master and asked, with all sincerity, to be taught.
What is your relationship with your Master? Are you ready to learn like this disciple of Jesus? Do not hold back from asking Him to teach you.
* Lord, teach me to pray.
* Father, help me to desire only those things that matter more to the Kingdom.
* I pray that my zeal will inspire and motivate others to serve the Lord.
Everywhere my name is written for evil and offence, I delete it now by the blood of Jesus’, in Jesus’ name
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