Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Willing to Contribute

Wednesday 9 September
READ: I Tim. 6:17-19
MORE LESSON: Acts 2:42-47

One day, Jesus was faced with the challenge of feeding a multitude of hungry people. He had to borrow a young boy's lunch pack of five loaves of bread and two fishes. That pack was nothing compared to the number of people to be fed. Humanly speaking, it was an impossible situation that He was faced with. In His divine wisdom, Jesus divided the people into groups. He took the five loaves and fishes, blessed and broke them, after which He commanded the disciples to distribute among the people. Surprisingly, everybody ate and there were leftovers (Jn. 6:5-13). The young boy's release of the only thing he had for the sake of others is commendable. Not everybody finds it easy to give in order to benefit others because naturally, giving is not easy for man. Selfishness is the nature of man and it takes a conscious effort for one to be delivered from this vice.

I commend Jesus' disciples who distributed their limited resources to be heroes. How many people today will be willing to distribute scarce resources for the good of all? You may even think this problem is limited to politicians but many brethren are also greedy. For example, at ceremonies, some people grab more than one plate of food, gifts etc when others have not got any. The disciples were able to overcome greed that was why they did not share the food among themselves, which would have hindered the miracle of the feeding of five thousand. 
The question is, how much can you give to other people? Mike Murdock once said: Giving is the only proof that you have overcome greed. Let's give to people in need; if your resources are scarce, in your willingness to distribute to those in need lies the miracle of multiplication. Today's text is very instructive on 
this matter, Charge them that are very rich:

1. that they be not high-minded , v17,
2. not to trust in uncertain riches, v17,
3. but to trust in the living God, v17,
4. that they do good, v18,
5. that they be rich in good works, 
6. that they be ready to distribute,
7. willing to communicate.

The Message translation says, ...Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they'll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life ITim. 6:17-19 (MSG). Remember, it is what you share that can never finish!

* Ask God to grant you a giving heart and make you a blessing from today.
* Pray that God will give Nigeria leaders that are not selfish.
* Ask God to make you a Kingdom financier and help you not to withhold anything from God.
* Plan to meet a need this week, either of a neighbour or a church.

In September, I shall not sing the song of my enemy, I shall not dance to the music of my opponent, God will answer me speedily.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Your Level Must Change

Tuesday 8 September
READ: Gen 41: 38 – 44
MORE LESSON: Psa. 105: 17 - 22

Joseph had the promise of God for his life that he would be a ruler but he found himself in prison as a slave. He had waited for years for the fulfilment of the promise of God for his life and it looked as if it delayed, but when God decided to change his level, it happened in a matter of minutes. Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon, and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh: Gen 41: 14. The Bible says they brought him out hastily; he went to bed one night as a prisoner and woke up the next day as a prime minister. What a change of level! All the people that were above him became his subjects within a day.

Today, as you read this Word from God, I pray that God will transform you and change your status so speedily and miraculously that people will not recognise you anymore by the reason of the excellence of your new status. That was the testimony of Joseph, . . . who was sold for a servant: whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom: Psa. 105: 17-22. From slavery he was transformed to a ruler of the people, the lord of a whole nation who commanded princes and instructed senators in the parliament. His level simply changed.

There is no level that a man has reached that there is no room for a greater change. One of the principles that rule the world is the principle of constant change. In fact, the only constant thing in life is change. However, there are positive change and negative change: every downward trend is a negative change, including demotion, reduction, loss, drop and everything associated with them. On the other hand, all types of increase, advancement and height are positive. When Joseph was located by the Word of God (Ps 105: 19) and distinguished by the Spirit of God (Gen 41: 38), his level changed from prisoner to prime minister and he stayed there throughout his life as his tenure never expired. When God changes your level it is always positive and permanent. God is changing your status today, in Jesus’ name. Faith in God’s Word, righteousness, service in God’s kingdom, a life of giving to God and His work are all essential keys for all people who desire divine positive change in destiny.

* Command every barricade against your advancement and promotion broken now by the power of God.
* Ask God to add speed to His promises for your life and make them a reality today, in the name of Jesus.
* Say, “Lord, change my status today, permanently”.

Heavens shall arise to favour, bless and help me this new month more than ever, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Benefits of Seeking God

Monday 7 September
READ: 2 Chr. 26: 3-6
MORE LESSON: Matt. 11:30-33

The Bible shows us the story of Uzziah who became King at the age of 16 years. It leaves me wandering how a boy of 16 years could be appointed as king, but this boy went on to be a very successful king. The secret of his success is revealed in 2 Chron. 26: 5; . . . as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. He was a man who sought the Lord. It was obvious that he loved God because the Bible says that he did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, following the footsteps of his father. (Verse 4)

It pays to seek God with your money, time, property, resources and talents. The condition for prosperity in the Bible is serving God. It simply means that any man who serves God has the opportunity to be prosperous. Look at the world and the church today and you will discover that the order has been turned around. When you ask a brother why he was not in church, he would say that he was in his shop. He defends it by saying that he needs to work to get tithe to pay in church. But God is interested in you, not your tithe. First, you don't need to go find prosperity first and then come serve God with it. That is not a safe course of action because it may be that by the time you become prosperous, you would have also become a candidate for hell. 2 Chron. 26: 5 says 'as long . . .', meaning that as long as you keep serving God, your prosperity is guaranteed.

Uzziah sought God and had earthly success and wealth. If you spend your time with God there is a guarantee that you will walk in abundance but if you pursue wealth there is no assurance that you will make heaven. You don't need to pursue all you want to be first and then you will create time for God after you have achieved. No, serve God and He will bless you with all you are looking for. Give up your pursuit of wealth without God, it will land you where you do not expect. Some of you want to succeed first before going to church. I can tell you, you will return empty-handed. Some ladies want to marry unbelievers because of their wealth, thinking they will get them saved after their marriage. It is still the same mindset of getting success first and then God later. It is deadly. Why not marry a child of God and become wealthy together as you seek God. Choose to seek God today and you will see Him bless you.

* Ask God for help to walk the pathway of righteousness to prosperity.
* Tell the Lord you will serve him as a priority and you will prosper abundantly.
* Ask that the promised blessing on those who serve God will not elude you in the name of Jesus.

This ninth month of the year, I shall see the end of my last enemy, in the name of Jesus

Sunday, September 6, 2015

It is by Grace

Sunday 6 September
READ: Rom 11: 5 – 6
MORE LESSON: Rom 9: 15 – 16

A highly respected servant of God once told us that, if God were to make a choice based on qualification, it shouldn't have been me. All of us that heard him were stunned, because we actually saw him as a person that was high in the esteem of God and man. But he told us that his mother was not the first wife in his father's house, and so by Biblical implication, he was born in adultery. If God was to choose by human qualification, He wouldn't have chosen him. He also said that he borrowed shoes to graduate in secondary school. So if God's election was to be by a good financial background, he would not have qualified. He is great and highly placed today by the grace of God.
I have also found out that the highest qualification of man does not impress God. It is only who He decides to have mercy on. Being chosen and distinguished by God does not leave room for human pride; it is not the making of man. It is by the election of God's grace. (Rom 11: 5 -6) No man should be proud over the work of God in his life because he couldn’t have paid for it neither is it because of his capacity; it is the gift of God. Today, be likeminded, that whatever God is doing through you or has given you, you should not develop pride over it. After all, who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? 1 Cor 4:7 NKJV
It is foolish for a man to go around in pride because God is using him. God's power and grace on any man is a gift that God put there. Some people are proud of being 'Men of God', forgetting that the man is not important, it is the God behind the man that matters. Take the God away, and the man becomes nothing. Today whatever God has helped you to achieve or is helping you to do, I want you to maintain a humble posture and not see yourself as more spiritual or better than others around. Recognise that it is only by His mercy and grace that you are who you are. It is because God delights in you that He elected you to stand in that place. Do not give in to pride because if you do, the delight of God will be turned away and that favour will be removed and you will realise that on your own, you are nobody. I pray earnestly that God will never move His grace from your life in Jesus’ name.

* Say to God, “let grace locate me today”
* Promise God, you will never share His glory.
* Ask God to anoint you today according to His mercy and purpose for your destiny.
* Tell God the more of His grace you receive the more you will return His glory to Him.
* Give thanks for whatever he is doing in your life.

All my past misfired arrows, go to the right target from today, in the mighty name of Jesus.