Tuesday 8 September
READ: Gen 41: 38 – 44
MORE LESSON: Psa. 105: 17 - 22
Joseph had the promise of God for his life that he would be a ruler but he found himself in prison as a slave. He had waited for years for the fulfilment of the promise of God for his life and it looked as if it delayed, but when God decided to change his level, it happened in a matter of minutes. Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon, and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh: Gen 41: 14. The Bible says they brought him out hastily; he went to bed one night as a prisoner and woke up the next day as a prime minister. What a change of level! All the people that were above him became his subjects within a day.
Today, as you read this Word from God, I pray that God will transform you and change your status so speedily and miraculously that people will not recognise you anymore by the reason of the excellence of your new status. That was the testimony of Joseph, . . . who was sold for a servant: whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom: Psa. 105: 17-22. From slavery he was transformed to a ruler of the people, the lord of a whole nation who commanded princes and instructed senators in the parliament. His level simply changed.
There is no level that a man has reached that there is no room for a greater change. One of the principles that rule the world is the principle of constant change. In fact, the only constant thing in life is change. However, there are positive change and negative change: every downward trend is a negative change, including demotion, reduction, loss, drop and everything associated with them. On the other hand, all types of increase, advancement and height are positive. When Joseph was located by the Word of God (Ps 105: 19) and distinguished by the Spirit of God (Gen 41: 38), his level changed from prisoner to prime minister and he stayed there throughout his life as his tenure never expired. When God changes your level it is always positive and permanent. God is changing your status today, in Jesus’ name. Faith in God’s Word, righteousness, service in God’s kingdom, a life of giving to God and His work are all essential keys for all people who desire divine positive change in destiny.
* Command every barricade against your advancement and promotion broken now by the power of God.
* Ask God to add speed to His promises for your life and make them a reality today, in the name of Jesus.
* Say, “Lord, change my status today, permanently”.
Heavens shall arise to favour, bless and help me this new month more than ever, in the name of Jesus.
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