Friday, September 18, 2015

Silencing the Accusers

Friday 18 September
READ: John 8: 3 - 11
MORE LESSON: Rom 8: 33 - 34

A woman was caught in the act of adultery. The religious people were ready to stone her to death, but before they could do so, they brought her to Jesus. The Bible makes it clear that they brought her because they wanted to tempt Jesus to see how he would handle the case. Her accusers felt there was no way she would escape the condemnation of death. Jesus, the Merciful God, is not interested in the destruction of sinners but in their salvation. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved: Jn. 3:17. However, for this woman to be saved, her accusers had to be silenced. Jesus didn't argue with these sin-hunters whether the woman was guilty or not, He only told them; He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her: Jn. 8:7.

The sinless man should cast the first stone and the others could cast the remaining stones till she died. No man can condemn another man because no man has any righteousness of his own self. (Rom 3: 10). The best of men are just sinners saved by grace. So when Jesus laid down never having sinned as the qualification for condemning another person, all the accusers were convicted in their hearts and they left. But the woman still remained after all her accusers left because there was one person who was without sin and so was qualified to cast that first stone that would open the door for her to be condemned to death. Jesus is the only Sinless One who is qualified to condemn. It is humbling to note that men that are not qualified to condemn are always eager to while the Holy One who is qualified said, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more: Jn 8:11.

No matter how grievous your sins are I want to announce to you that the only One who is qualified to condemn you has refused to. Jesus has justified you so neither men, angels, demons or devil is qualified to condemn you. By refusing to condemn you, Jesus silenced all your accusers. There is however only one more person that can condemn you – that is yourself. You condemn yourself when you refuse the gift of justification that Jesus has given you. You sign your own condemnation when you refuse to heed the instruction of the Master which says, go and sin no more. (Verse 9). 
Today there is no condemnation for you if you will accept Christ Jesus and embrace the law of the Spirit of life so that you can be delivered from the law of sin and death.

As you dedicate yourself to Christ today I decree that every accusation written against you is blotted out by the blood of Jesus. Amen.

* Pray against every sin that stands against you before the throne of God.
* Rebuke every force of the accuser over your destiny.
* Pray that like Jesus, the prince of this world will find nothing against you.

The spirit of purity, fall on me today and keep me out of sin forever, in the name of Jesus.


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