Sunday 20 September
READ: James 1: 8
MORE LESSON: Matt. 6:22-24
When I was studying in the university we were taught that Nigeria is a non-aligned nation. Non-aligned means it is neither patterned after the West or the East. A non-aligned system is trying to be neither a socialist nor a capitalist system; it wants to be in-between. It was also said that our economy constitution is that of a mixed economy; we are neither ope
rating communism nor capitalism. The class lecturer jokingly said that kind of economy is called a confused economy because there is a goal that communism is set to achieve and another that capitalism is set to achieve so when you mix them, you lose focus. There will always be a confusion that arises from a concoction of two different systems. This lesson, to an extent, has a footing in reality.
The Bible says, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways: James 1:8 KJV. In life, it is always important that you know your direction and go all for it. A man trying to do everything will succeed in doing nothing. A man trying to be like everybody will have an identity crisis. When a believer without focus hears that there is a powerful man of God, who preaches like Charles Finney of old, and everybody falls down and begins to cry, he runs to go and sit with the man. Then he hears that another apostle has arrived that is as anointed as Paul the Apostle, he immediately leaves the Charles-Finney-preacher and moves to the Paul-the Apostle-preacher. That is how he continues moving around trying to be, dress and talk like everybody. People without vision are not focused so they are easily distracted.
Having a defined focus is very important in fulfilling God's plan for your life. You must find out what God's plan for you is and unwaveringly begin to work towards it. There is great danger in instability and swinging to and fro in life. The danger of instability is failure. A bit here, a bit there without a defined destination destroys a man's destiny.
When a man loses focus, he cannot excel, because he is unstable. Sit down and hear what God wants you to do and learn where God wants you to learn. Know what you are doing, plan for your life and work towards achieving success along that plan. Don't start ministry experimenting everything to see which ministry will work. Be sure what you are called to do, focus on it and whatever happens, be determined to stay with it, keep learning, keep your focus and move on the path that leads you to success.
* Pray for a life that is consistently focussed.
* Tell the devil you refuse to be distracted ever.
* Pray that you will be unstoppable in life.
* Declare that you shall not be like a ship, tossed to and fro in destiny.
I reject every evil garment and every evil label over my life and destiny today, in the name of Jesus.
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