Thursday, September 10, 2015

Strange Fire

Thursday 10 September
READ: Lev 10: 1-2 ; Lev 9: 23-24 
MORE LESSON: 1 Sam 15: 1-24

The words ‘strange fire’ were mentioned in the Bible in connection with the fatal sin committed by the two oldest sons of Aaron (Nadab and Abihu) on the occasion of the formal consecration of the Aaronic priesthood. The sacred fire, once kindled on the altar, was never permitted to go out but this was interrupted by Nadab and Abihu. The fire on the altar was a symbol of holiness and they sought to overlay it with unholiness. Thus, it became a consuming fire because they approached the Holy Spirit with a profane spirit.

When you engage in rebellion you are kindling a strange fire. Rebellion is refusal to come under authority of someone who is above you. When you disobey authority you are rebelling against God. God hates rebellion and said in 1 Sam 15: 23 that it is like a sin of witchcraft. Rebellion grieves the Holy Spirit, causes Him to become your enemy and to fight against you. (Isa. 63: 10). Nadab and Abihu died prematurely before the Lord; they kindled a fire of disobedience and it burnt them. They were cut off childless, which for true Israelites was the darkest fate imaginable (Num 3: 4).

If you rebel against the Word of God and shun His counsel, you may sit in darkness and in the shadow of death (Psa. 107: 10-11). The Bible says, “the rebellious dwell in a dry land” Psa. 68: 6). Many people rebelled in the Bible and paid great prices for doing so. The case in Number 20: 12-14 is an example. Moses and Aaron rebelled and were not allowed to enter the promised land.

- Saul was removed as king and instead of the Holy Spirit, evil spirits took over his life; his destiny was terminated.
- Lucifer was cast out of heaven and became devil because of rebellion.
- Ananias and Sapphira were destroyed on the same day because of rebellion.

Anybody who is practising sin, unrepentantly and rebelling against God cannot see God. If you have truly given your life to Christ, the worst thing that can happen to you is to allow sin to destroy your fellowship with God (Isa.59:2, Prov. 15:29, Psa. 32 ).You can spend a whole life time building up your life and then destroy it with one act of rebellion. How terrible!!!

Disobedience shows lack of love for the Lord; we obey God because we love and want to please Him. We also show our gratitude to Jesus for giving His life for us when we obey him. There is no limit to how far you can go if you stop rebelling against God and set authority. This is possible because the power of the Holy Spirit will walk with you and in you. Imagine how powerful your anointing will be and how many souls you will win! There are many blessings awaiting you if you will just stand strong and obey. Don't miss out of God's plan for your life. Make it to the 'promised land' where abundant life awaits you. You will make it, in Jesus’ name.

* Check your life and repent of every strange fire you have kindled, then ask God for mercy.
* I break the power of rebellion over my life and destiny from now, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall not be a causality in the race of life, in Jesus’ name.

This month, I banish the forces of sorrow and condolence visit in my life and territory, in the name of Jesus.


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