Thursday, September 24, 2015

Stop that Satanic Planting II

Thursday 24 September
READ: Psa.125:1-5
MORE LESSON: Josh.1:6-9

Yesterday we learnt how to prevent the enemy from ever planting in our lives. The last point is have faith in God; have faith in God that the enemy will not plant a seed in your destiny. Don't go out in the morning until you are sure that you have confidence that God will take you through the day. If you wake up in the morning and you feel like you wake up on the wrong side and say, Today will be bad, things will be tough, then it will be a bad day, you won't survive it. In fact, the devil will not have to shoot you with a gun, he will just say Hey!. . . and you are on the ground.

But when you wake up each day, say, Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation Psa. 68:19. Say, it is written that in all things I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me (Rom. 8: 37). I have overcome them because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world that I am going into today (1 John 4:4). God said He has a thought concerning me this morning, the thought of good and not of evil, to give me a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11). So as I step out today, I can see a hope waiting for me for His anger endures but a moment; in His favour is life. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning (Psa. 30: 5).

Weeping will not go out with me this morning. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm23: 1). Today, only the Shepherd goes out with me, the enemy will not go out with me. It is written, I shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever [I do]shall prosper: Psa.1:3. Whatever I lay my hands on to do this morning shall prosper. I'm going out with the expectation to prosper. I can see prosperity waiting for me. I can see doors open to me.

Have faith in God, start your day with confidence in the God that cannot fail, the One who keeps promises. Lift up your right hand above your head and say, Father, in the name of Jesus, every tree that You have not planted, I hereby uproot. I have faith, I believe in You. Poverty, sickness, affliction and nightmare are uprooted, in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

* Thank God for the power to uproot everything that the enemy has planted.
* Lift your hands and declare the root of affliction broken over your life.
* Tell Satan you and your entire household are a no parking zone.

In 2015, my seed shall not be cut off; they shall bear fruits and yield abundantly, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Stop that Satanic Planting I

Wednesday 23 September
READ: I Tim.1:18-20
MORE LESSON: Matt.13:24-30

There are a few ways by which you can fight to prevent the enemy from planting in your life. 
First, you need to know that you have to live a permanent life of knowledge of what is yours. Beloved, keep remembering what is yours. First among your possessions is Jesus; Jesus is yours and you are His, you have handed your life over to Him. The Holy Spirit, the power that rules the universe is yours. God's promises from Genesis to Revelation are yours. If you don't know what is yours, you won't be able to fight for it. The Bible says we are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus far and above principalities and powers (Eph 1:21) .

Second, now that you know what you have, put it to work. The name of Jesus is yours, put it to work. The power of the Holy Ghost is yours, put it to work. The power of productivity is yours, put it to work. Don't ever watch the enemy's plant grow on your territory. Do what you can, even if your cutlass is blunt, resharpen it and keep on hitting it, one day, that tree will collapse.

Third, don't ever in your life believe there is something impossible. Don't tell anybody anything is impossible. The word impossible is a lie. Don't believe the devil's lie that there is something around your life and destiny that is impossible. Jesus says, ...Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up: Matt.15:13. He doesn't say some trees. When you say that some things are impossible what you are saying is that some trees cannot be uprooted. At the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow. What is meant for you will not go to another, in Jesus’s name. Don't fold your hands while your destiny goes twisted. Fast, pray, put your destiny in God's hand. Be regular in church, create time for destiny because what you don't create time for in God, you will lose to the devil.

Fourth, fight for your inheritance. Never cease to fight. Use every breath inside you to say no to the devil and his lies. Every breath includes your fasting time, your prayer time, personal vigils for yourself. Jude1:3 says, ...earnestly contend for the faith.... When your pastor declares fasting and prayer in church, it is about you, not about the pastor. If you don't go for fasting and prayer meeting you are the loser, not the pastor. Earnestly contend for what is yours. Start now!

.* Identify the strange things that are co-habiting your destiny and command them to be uprooted now.
* Say no to everything called impossibility in your life.
* Destroy everything in you that could make you a fertile land for evil.

This month, I shall build and inhabit, plant and harvest, and none of my reward will go to another, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Weapons of Our Warfare II

Tuesday 22 September
READ: Heb.12:22-26
MORE LESSON: Exo. 12:12-13

One of the weapons of spiritual warfare is the blood of Jesus. Blood is very vital to man because the life of a man is in his blood. It is the same also in the spiritual. The blood of Jesus was God's final straw to break the devil's back and rescue mankind from the power of hell and eternal destruction.

A closer look at the use of blood by God reveals that it has always been a strong weapon in His hand from the beginning of man's travails in the devil's hand. At the fall of man in Gen.3:21 we see how for the first time the Lord God used blood as a tool and as a weapon, Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coat of skins, and clothed them. The skin was used to cover man's nakedness but the blood that was shed prophetically pointed to the final work of grace, which was to come through the shedding of the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Also, in Gen. 4:3-10, the Bible records the first murder on earth, that of Abel by Cain. Verse 10 shows the strength of blood, And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. Abel was dead but his blood was still alive, active and working. It was functioning so well that it got the attention of the Almighty God who had to do something about it. That shows how strong the power of the blood of man is; it has mouth and it can speak until it gets attention. The Bible also refers to the blood of Jesus in like manner; it says, it speaks better things than the blood of Abel. So the blood of Jesus can speak, heal, deliver, save, restore and cleanse from sin. It will open Heaven, shut the gates of hell and get satan screaming for cover.

The blood of Jesus is one of God's strongest weapons that defeated the devil to his permanent grave. It is available for all of God’s children who recognise the provision and appropriate it rightly. Plead this blood upon your day, home and destiny daily. Apply it to all yours as a guard against any satanic confrontation. Receive God’s mercy and cleansing by it and by it gain access to the throne of the Father. The blood of Jesus will not fail in anything, hold tightly to it for all-round success.

* Command that the blood of Jesus speak better things into your destiny today.
* Plead that the blood of pass over will stand against every device of the devil over your life and family this year.
* Tell satan, “The blood of Jesus is against you over my life, in Jesus’ name”.

Before this year runs out, I shall see my harvest, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Weapons of Our Warfare I

Monday 21 September
READ: II Cor. 10:1-6

Our text today is about the weapons of our warfare. It says that they are not carnal, meaning they are not physical things that the physical eyes can see. However, they are mighty through God to pull down any stronghold - a fortified place or a fortress, safe for the owner and difficult to attack. It is a place where a man feels secure in the time of the enemy's attack. During warfare, once soldiers are able to get to their stronghold, either on the mountain or thick bush, it becomes very difficult to dislodge them.

Our text says the enemy has a stronghold where he hides and from there launches attacks at his victims; and not until an enemy's stronghold is destroyed he cannot be defeated. However, it is exciting to know that our weapons can destroy any enemy's stronghold. This is the location of the strength of Christians. This is why we can boldly speak of victory over any trouble of life. Yet this victory is for only the children of God who know the key and use it.

The most important thing to note about these weapons is that they are spiritual; they are not physical or material, they are not loud or noisy, but the impacts are great, greater than any ballistic missile or atomic bomb. They are fast and irresistible. Nothing can counter them and they are forever impossible for the enemy.

Another important thing about these weapons is the fact that they work only through God. Jehovah God is the only gun through which these bullets can be fired. They will not work for a carnal man or sinner, only spiritual people can enjoy them. So, if you are in the flesh, fornicating, lying, stealing, fighting, gossiping, you can't benefit from these weapons. Receive Christ as your Saviour and these weapons will be yours to use . 
Finally, these weapons need to be activated to work. Just as a machine gun cannot work except by human involvement, spiritual weapons also will need the acts of righteousness, prayer, fasting and faith in God to work effectively.

* Declare that there shall be no hiding place for the enemies of your life.
* Decree that every stronghold giving cover and strength to your enemy be destroyed by fire today.
* Ask that as you use the weapons of God you will not miss the enemy’s stronghold, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Every satanic landmine set to truncate my destiny before my time, be it sin or satanic wickedness, I declare you cleared by fire, in the name of Jesus.