Monday 28 September
READ: Acts 2:1-14, 37-41
MORE LESSON: Acts 10:38
On the day of Pentecost at the upper room, the one hundred and twenty disciples that were present caught the Holy Ghost fire, And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them: Acts 2:3. After this encounter, they were never the same anymore. The power of the Church was kindled, that which would shape and change the course of human history forever was initiated and the first effect was that the disciples began to speak in diverse tongues hitherto unknown to them and the people were surprised.
Great and impactful as that was, the disciples did not stop there. They stepped into global evangelism with their first open air crusade led by no other person than Apostle Peter, the reed that Jesus changed into a rock. The same Peter who could not witness Jesus before the little maid during Jesus' trial caught the fire and stood before the crowd with a clear message of redemption. With the Holy Ghost fire burning on his inside, he spoke courageously about Jesus. He also displayed a wonderful command of scriptural references across the entire Old Testament without prior preparation.
A close study of that great message in Acts 2: 14-36 shows courage, eloquence, vibrancy, divine accuracy, maturity and power. All these because of the fresh fire of Pentecost on Peter. Verse 37 was the peak, the people were …pricked in their heart…., to the extent of asking …what shall we do? Acts 2:37. That is what the fire of the Holy Ghost can do in a man's life, changing him entirely from timidity to great courage and many more. The result was unprecedented, Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls: Acts 2:41.
Today, ask God for the fresh fire that is able to change your life positively, and grant your life great results in everything you do for God.
* Ask for a fresh release of God’s power upon your life with results.
* Ask God for the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues and power with signs and wonders following.
--Take a decision to speak in tongues at least one hour everyday, beginning from today and see the unprecedented result.
In the name of Jesus, I turn every disappointment of this year to an appointment with greatness right now.