Thursday, October 8, 2015

The mighty One II

Thursday 8 October
READ: Judg. 6:13
MORE LESSON: Psa. 119:165-167

Becoming a mighty man goes with a lot of responsibilities. The Bible personalities who were mighty did not become so by sleeping all the days of their lives. They had an intimate relationship with God and they also kept the commandments and instructions of God and of God's prophets. They studied the Word of God and applied it to their situations

When I hear people say the grace of God is upon them, I ask how much of the Bible they have read. I do not have respect for church titles without evidence. I do not celebrate people who are church leaders but refuse to master the assignment in their hands even from the point of knowledge. If as an ordained minister you cannot sit down to learn under others, you won't last. The ordination would become a reproach because the man who is too proud to learn will fall suddenly.

There is no way a man can come to church only on Sundays and be a strong man in God. This way, you may be mighty in other areas but definitely not in the things of God. Break with everything that limits your knowledge of God because it reduces your strength daily. Sit down with the things of God like Bible studies, quiet time with God, fellowship attendance, evangelism and the likes. Every Bible study you miss in 52 weeks of the year reduces the strength of your destiny. Every time you refuse to sit down and do quiet time, you grow less in strength and risk the danger that the day brings your way. Gideon said, “God cannot be with me and this thing will happen”. In other words, when God is with a man, he is a winner. This much knowledge was in Gideon.

In verse 13, Gideon made an observation about what Israel was going through and wondered where all the miracles were, about which their fathers told them. Gideon was making reference to events in the past that made Israel great and wished such could be repeated so that Israel would triumph over the Medianites and regain their might. Gideon knew God's Word when he said their fathers told them about the miracles in Egypt on to Canaan. Because Gideon had the right and correct knowledge, the angel marked him down as the man needed for the assignment at hand. Gideon knew what God did before, which He could do again.

How much of God's Word have you stored in your spirit? Joshua was advised to hold onto the Word of God day and night and thereafter, he would experience good success. You should do same.

* Pray for divine visitation in times of depression for added strength.
* Connect to the miracles of the past and ask God for more today.
* Declare yourself one of the mighty men of your generation, in Jesus’ name.
Determine to reignite your commitment to the study of the Bible and prayer.

Today, lines shall fall for me in pleasant places and I shall have a godly heritage, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The mighty One I

Wednesday 7 October
READ: Judg. 6:11-16
MORE LESSON: Prov. 3:19-23

It is a wonderful thing to be called a mighty man. To be mighty is to be endowed with an extra ability beyond the normal. Might is a function of strength. When you talk about might you talk about being able, by an extra ability, to do what is not ordinary. God produced many mighty men in the Scripture and I pray for you today that you will go beyond the ordinary, in the name of Jesus. The strength of a man determines the extent of what he can carry. When people run away from challenges, the truth of the matter is that they lack the strength. There is nothing that God does that He fails. That's why we call Him the Almighty God; the God that has strength in every area. That strength is deposited in man because man is created in God’s image. God has endowed men with divine capability.

One of such men was Gideon who God raised to counter the oppression that Israel suffered at that time in the hands of the Medianites who exercised might over the weak Israelites. One day an angel of God called Gideon a mighty man of valour. The argument of Gideon was irrelevant to the angel. If the Almighty God says you are a mighty man, you are, indeed. If a man is experiencing defeat but is called a mighty man by God, what is God saying? When a man who cannot beat his chest in the presence of his enemies is referred to as a mighty man by the Almighty God who cannot lie, then there is something inside that man that makes God say so. It simply means that God Himself is with the man. Once God is with a man, that man cannot be defeated by his enemies and that is why he is a mighty man. He may not know it, but that is who he is.

Regardless of what your experiences are today, as long as a conviction exists inside you that with God on your side all things are possible, you are already a mighty man. Your strength begins from knowledge because your ability to know is the beginning of your strength. So work harder on what you know if you want to be a mighty man. Get to know more. If you want to know more, read more, ask questions from them that know more; acquire knowledge because it is the beginning of might. Gideon eventually realised that when God is with a man the man cannot be defeated. So Gideon led Israel into victory over the Medianites. God is with you, you cannot be defeated, only seek to increase your knowledge of the Most High God and what He has made you. Knowledge is key!

* Pray for divine strength to do God's work more than ever before.
* Pray that you will be strengthened by the Word of God in all situations.
* Tell the Lord you are taking your place in strength and you are dropping the weak man’s mentality
Believe what God says about you that you are a mighty man and live like one.

Say to (put your name) it shall be well with me, and I shall shine in destiny.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Judgement on Satanic Agents

Tuesday 6 October
READ: 2 Cor. 10: 3 - 6
MORE LESSON: Isa. 26: 9 - 10

Every agent of darkness that is working against your destiny will face the judgment of God today. Many people are suffering from things in life that are caused by agents of darkness; unless you become spiritually alert and wage war against them, they will continue to afflict you silently. These agents hide under the cloak of seemingly natural occurrences and afflict people. The Bible says, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 2 Cor 10:3. Whatever satan wants to do against a man, he cannot do it unless he finds someone through whom he will operate. When the Bible says that a man's foes are those of his own household (Matt 10:36), it means the devil using a man's relatives as agents through which to destroy the man. But I want to tell you that whatever agent the devil wants to use against you, whether someone close to you or otherwise, the Lord of Hosts will execute judgment on them today.

I remember the story of a woman who was sent to die in a church service. The church service was going on fine till the woman just fell down and died and commotion started in church. Then they rushed her to the altar, and everybody prayed and prayed but the woman didn't get up. The whole congregation had forgotten about the service for the day and they were just praying and crying over the dead woman. It was then that Apostle Ayo Babalola of blessed memory walked up to the altar and asked everyone to step aside. Under the unction of the Holy Ghost he commanded the woman to get up. When the woman got up, he asked her to say whatever she had to say.

The woman then announced to the amazement of all that she was an agent of darkness and was sent by the witches to come and die in church so as to scatter the service and subsequently discourage people from coming to church anymore. After she finished the confession, the man of God commanded her to fall down and die again. She fell down and died, the servant of God then told the people to go and bury her. Some people may not be comfortable with the servant of God's line of action, but they do not understand that there is need for the judgment of God to fall on the agents of darkness so that the name of God will be glorified.

This is expressed in the Bible, . . . for when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness . . . . Isa. 26:9-10. Today I want you to declare judgment on every satanic agent that is working against you.

* Declare that every unrepentant agent of satan in your life shall no longer be spared, in the name of Jesus.
* Prophesy the judgement that is written against every enemy’s location in your life- Psa. 149:7-9.
* Give God thanks that He has not given you up to the agents of darkness to rule over you.

In the name of Jesus, “MY BROOK SHALL NOT RUN DRY”; I shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, my leaf, fruit, and season shall not cease.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Give God High Praise

Monday 5 October
READ: Job 1: 13 - 21
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam 12: 13 – 23

Sometimes praise doesn't make sense. High praise is the praise you give and people wonder whether you have lost your mind. It is when everybody thinks the worst has happened to you, and you begin to give God praise. Job gave God high praise. He was the richest man in the East, then the devil attacked him and killed all his children, destroyed his property and took everything from him. All men, angels and demons were watching to see what he would do, but then he knelt down and worshipped God saying, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord: Job 1:21. All the devils were bewildered and confused, they wondered what kind of man this was. When Job wanted to finish satan and all his cohorts, after they had done their worst and multplied his sufferings, he said, Though He slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him: Job 13:15. Then the enemy knew he had lost as far as Job's case was concerned. High praise is not limited to music or dancing, and it confuses the enemy.

Heaven finds pleasure in the praise that is given when things get sour and it ordinarily looks as if there is no reason to praise God. Anyone can praise God when things go smooth but there is a kind of high praise which is the preserve of men that are stalwart in God. When David committed adultery with Bathsheba, she conceived and gave birth to a child. After David had prayed and asked for forgiveness from God, the Lord told him that He had forgiven him but the child born by that sinful act would die.

The child became seriously ill and David went to God with fasting, tears and sackcloth and kept begging God to allow the child live. He refused to eat, laid down on the ground, and everybody was begging him to eat. Then the baby died, the people were afraid to tell him that the baby had died because they felt if he was so distraught when the baby was sick, he would kill himself if he learnt that the baby had died. But when David learnt the child had died, he did something that shocked them all: he got up, took his bath, ate good food and went to the house of the Lord and worshipped Him. They were dumbfounded, the baby was sick, and David fasted, prayed, cried and sat in ashes, but when the baby died he started thanksgiving.

When you give God praise in unseemly circumstances, you become a testimony that lives forever and you become a wonder to men. It is true that this kind of praise is very costly but anybody who learns it will invoke the hand of God for a turn around. No matter what you are going through today, give God high praise!

* Ask God for grace to be able to say “Praise be to God” in times of trouble.
* Ask God for grace not to complain, murmur or speak harshly when you can’t explain what is happening to you.
* Ask God for the spirit of thanksgiving.

I command every anti-harvest power to dry up concerning my destiny this new month, in the name of Jesus.