Tuesday 6 October
READ: 2 Cor. 10: 3 - 6
MORE LESSON: Isa. 26: 9 - 10
Every agent of darkness that is working against your destiny will face the judgment of God today. Many people are suffering from things in life that are caused by agents of darkness; unless you become spiritually alert and wage war against them, they will continue to afflict you silently. These agents hide under the cloak of seemingly natural occurrences and afflict people. The Bible says, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 2 Cor 10:3. Whatever satan wants to do against a man, he cannot do it unless he finds someone through whom he will operate. When the Bible says that a man's foes are those of his own household (Matt 10:36), it means the devil using a man's relatives as agents through which to destroy the man. But I want to tell you that whatever agent the devil wants to use against you, whether someone close to you or otherwise, the Lord of Hosts will execute judgment on them today.
I remember the story of a woman who was sent to die in a church service. The church service was going on fine till the woman just fell down and died and commotion started in church. Then they rushed her to the altar, and everybody prayed and prayed but the woman didn't get up. The whole congregation had forgotten about the service for the day and they were just praying and crying over the dead woman. It was then that Apostle Ayo Babalola of blessed memory walked up to the altar and asked everyone to step aside. Under the unction of the Holy Ghost he commanded the woman to get up. When the woman got up, he asked her to say whatever she had to say.
The woman then announced to the amazement of all that she was an agent of darkness and was sent by the witches to come and die in church so as to scatter the service and subsequently discourage people from coming to church anymore. After she finished the confession, the man of God commanded her to fall down and die again. She fell down and died, the servant of God then told the people to go and bury her. Some people may not be comfortable with the servant of God's line of action, but they do not understand that there is need for the judgment of God to fall on the agents of darkness so that the name of God will be glorified.
This is expressed in the Bible, . . . for when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness . . . . Isa. 26:9-10. Today I want you to declare judgment on every satanic agent that is working against you.
* Declare that every unrepentant agent of satan in your life shall no longer be spared, in the name of Jesus.
* Prophesy the judgement that is written against every enemy’s location in your life- Psa. 149:7-9.
* Give God thanks that He has not given you up to the agents of darkness to rule over you.
In the name of Jesus, “MY BROOK SHALL NOT RUN DRY”; I shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, my leaf, fruit, and season shall not cease.
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