Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Beyond Wishful Thinking

Wednesday 21 October
READ: Prov 13: 1-11
MORE LESSON: Matt. 25:26-30

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat: Prov.13: 4. This is true in the physical realm. The farmer who wants to harvest corn must first plow the field and plant the seed. A lazy person aims at nothing and usually hits nothing. Just desiring a good harvest will not produce the results. Wishing you know your Bible better or that you are able to read it through from Genesis to Revelation, without actually doing it, will not give a working knowledge of the Bible; you must study and research the Bible. Similarly, wishing you had a better prayer life will not make it happen; you must take time to pray.

It is those who take time and pain to labour that will have a good harvest. Laziness and wishful thinking without action leads to poverty, waste and loss of all things (Prov. 6: 9-11, Prov 18: 9, Matt 25: 26-30). Moreover, if a man will have all that his soul desires, He must have something he is gainfully doing (Neh 6: 3). A man who desires a good harvest must invest his time wisely and be prompt (Eph 5: 11). Work day and night; there is no law against working in the night, especially if that is the most suitable time for you (1 Thes 2: 9).

A man who desires great profit or income must be trained in his chosen field: ...Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways...: Prov. 6:6-8. Putting into practice all lessons a man learns whether from man, animal or inanimate things is profitable.
The Bible also commanded “no work, no eat” (2 Thes 3: 10-12). And as you get yourself involved in profitable righteous endeavours, you can be sure of God's blessing.

* I break off the yoke of laziness and procrastination from my life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive grace to labour profitably with abundant harvest in Jesus’ mighty name.
* I receive the abundant prosperity and blessing instead of poverty and lack, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Right now, I command the bondage activators in my life to burn and perish, in the name of Jesus.


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