Friday, October 23, 2015

Reminding God of His Promises

Friday 23 October
READ: Isa. 43: 26
MORE LESSON: Gen 32: 22 - 31

In obtaining God's promises, there is the place of reminding God a promise He made to you so as to get it fulfilled. Isaiah 43: 26. Some people sometimes think that once God has spoken a promise or prophecy to them, He will do it whether they pray about it or not. I want to submit to you today that you need to go back to God and remind Him what He said concerning you. It is not that God is forgetful, but just your reminding Him shows that you are relying totally on Him. In Exodus 2: 24, the Bible said concerning the children of Israel who were in slavery in Egypt that So God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God promised Abraham that his descendants would go into slavery and He would later bring them out. (Gen 15: 13 – 14). But the descendants remained in slavery until they cried to God in prayers and when their cry came up to God by the reason of their bondage, He remembered that it was time to set them free. He knew all along, He was waiting for them to pray.

Prayer is the way to remind God of His promises for us. Personal prayer is very necessary to hold on to God to fulfil His promises over our life. Jacob held to God when he saw that the blessing he received by deceit was not working well in his life, so he held to God that the covenant must speak for him. Jacob came to a point where he realised that it was either God intervened and fulfilled His word over him or he would die. So he sent his wife and children ahead and stayed alone with God without distraction. God blessed him again and his life took a new turn. (Gen 32: 22 – 31).

That encounter Jacob had with God is a type of personal specialised prayer. I always tell people that as good as congregational prayer is, it is not enough to take delivery of all the promises that God has for you. Take time personally, enter into your closet and begin to remind God all that He promised you. It is also good to have a prayer partner with whom you agree and settle issues with God. (Matt 18: 19). Today, stay with God and bring your casue before Him, remind Him of all His exceeding great promises that He made to you through His spoken word and through the written word. As you remind God His word, you will see speedy performance.

* Ask God to remember your destiny as He remembered Israel in Egypt and rose up to change their situation.
* Ask God for grace to be able to stand fast in the place of prayer until God remembers you like He remembered Hannah.
* Ask God for speedy performance of His promises over your life. 
* Rebuke every road block on the path way of the fulfilment of your destiny.

By the blood of Jesus, I renounce and revoke the claims of evil family idols and altars over my life today, in the name of Jesus.


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