Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Help that You Need

Saturday 17 October
READ: 1 Chron. 12 : 22
MORE LESSON: Gen 2: 20 - 22

Every man needs help and it is God's desire to give help to man. In fact, help is God's idea; in the beginning it wasn't man that realised his need for help, it was God that identified man's need for help and gave him the help that he needed. There are various ways by which God gives help to a man. The first help that God can give you is to give Himself to you. This is expressed in Ps 121: 2, My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. When you have God, you have help because He is the source of all help. The next help that God gives man is other men. God gave Eve to Adam as the help that he needed. The man needed the woman and the woman needed the man. So by a single act, God helped them both by giving them to each other. The man who hitherto had been lonely began to enjoy company and the woman also began to enjoy the joy of sharing. So everyone needs somebody. A man can be blessed and lonely, a man can be rich and without genuine friends and relationships. Such a man needs the blessing of true relationship with people who have sincere interest in him. It is only God that gives a man that kind of relationship. So today you need help no matter who you are or what you have and the help you need is first God and then, people. God will fill every gap in your life today, in Jesus’ name.

David also got help from God and from men. In 1 Chronicles 12:22, it is recorded that day after day men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God: 1 Chron. 12:22 (NIV). God sent men to David to help him on a daily basis. That means a minimum of 365 helps in a year; he could have two or more help per day but there was no day that nobody came to help him. No wonder his army was as mighty as the host of Heaven; when God sends men to help you, you become a phenomenon.

I pray that God will add help to your blessing. Whether financial, material, marital or academic; whatever you need to be added to the blessings that you have already will be given to you by the help of God. Whatever has been a source of secret pain for you will be removed by the help of God. When men are commanded by God to help you, they help you both in their convenience and inconvenience. From today you will be helped by God and man, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to fill every gap and vacuum of your life by His divine help.
* Ask God to speedily intervene in every area of your life that needs help, which you are ignorant of.
* Ask God for daily help until you see Jesus.

Today, I declare God’s Word over my life: the sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve my life now and forever more, in the name of Jesus.


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