Tuesday 2 February
READ: Psa 50: 10 - 15
MORE LESSON: Psa 147: 1-7
Praising God is the expression of gratitude to God for His goodness. Praise begins from the heart and flows unrestrained to God. When you give God praise, you should practically involve the totality of your being; spirit, soul and body. Praising God should be a way of life for you whether in public or in private. You must learn to praise God in all situations; even when you have hopes that are not yet realised. You must praise God with who you are, what you have and every part of your body.
I went for an occasion sometimes ago and a drummer began to play the talking drum for me. In my part of the country, it is customary for a drummer to use the talking drum to praise and then you spray him with money. The man played so well to praise me that before I knew it, I had begun to respond to the rhythms of the talking drum without premeditation and my hand was spontaneously going into my pocket to bring money out to spray the man. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who cautioned me and reminded me that I have a principle against such; then I withdrew. After the programme, I quietly went to the drummer and put some money into his pocket. The drummer stirred at me until I almost lost consciousness of myself. If I as a man can be praised up to the point of bringing out money, how much more God?
Beyond using our body to sing, dance and praise God, we must also give our substance in praise to God. God has given us so much and out of it, He expects us to bring something to Him in gratitude. The substance to be given in this case is not limited to money. We can give anything that God lays on our hearts to give. The gift must be from the heart and it should be something we value. God is not a beggar to whom you throw your crumbs. Each time you want to give your substance to praise God, remember you are giving to the God who made everything, including you and what you are giving Him.
However, don't ever say you don't have anything to give God; you must have something no matter how little. It is comforting to know that the little you have is not too small to give to God. God doesn't despise the tiniest gift of a man who does not have much. Remember how much Jesus appreciated the widow who gave a dime (Mark 12: 41 – 44). God is interested in your praise. Give Him practical praise in singing, dancing, thanksgiving, tithes, offerings, sacrifices and your giving will be a memorial before God.
* Father, grant me an attitude of praise in all situations, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, I shall no more deny you Your praise in my life, in Jesus’ name.
* I replace every ungrateful attitude with attitude of thanksgiving, in Jesus’ name.
Jesus, on the authority of Your accomplished work on the cross of Calvary, I declare my destiny a barrier breaker, in the name of Jesus.