Friday 12 February
READ:Lev 27: 30
MORE LESSON: Psa 90: 12
One of the displays of wisdom that governs increase is that you must give God His own portion of all that pertains to you. It is when you give God His portion that your own portion becomes productive and fruitful. God's own portion is the tithe which belongs to Him. According to Lev. 27:30, And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. When you give God the tithe of whatever you have, He will restrain devourers and wasters from touching your own portion (Mal 3: 10 – 11). This spiritual law doesn't just apply to finances alone but in all areas of life.
When Abram met Melchizedek, he gave him a tithe of all. This is the secret of the greatness and generational fruitfulness that Abraham contacted. Gen 14:20 says, And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. It reads tithes of all, so tithe is not just of money but of all things.
The wisdom for having a fruitful day is to give to God at least one tenth of your 24 hours in the day. Knowing fully well that it is fruitful days that culminate into fruitful years which lead to a fruitful lifetime, you must make sure that every
day is fruitful and none is wasted. One of the ways to do this is in tithing your day. Just like it is not right for a child of God to take all his money or property to himself but he is to dedicate the tithe to God, so also you should not spend the whole of your day on trying to meet up with routines and demands, no matter how demanding the day is. There is wisdom in dedicating one tenth of your day to spend time with God, do something about God or do something for the kingdom of God. There should be a part of your day that goes into praying, studying the Bible, telling others about the Lord Jesus Christ or any act of service to God as a mark of honour for God in the day. You don't have to religiously set a 2hr 40minute schedule with God as a tithe of everyday. However, the goal is that you should have a portion of your day that you 'tithe' to the Lord.
David said, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Psa. 90:12. One area of wisdom in accounting your day is to dedicate a part of it to being with, hearing from and doing something for God. Don't spend the gift of 24hrs God gives you everyday selfishly and carelessly. Note that the priority of your life should be the Giver - God.
* Today I surrender to God all that belong to Him- my life, time and wealth.
* Pray against every devourer that eats up people’s labour, in Jesus’ name.
I announce the sound of abundance of rain over my year in 2016, no more droughts, in my life in Jesus’ name.