Friday, February 12, 2016

The Tithe of your Day

Friday 12 February
READ:Lev 27: 30
MORE LESSON: Psa 90: 12

One of the displays of wisdom that governs increase is that you must give God His own portion of all that pertains to you. It is when you give God His portion that your own portion becomes productive and fruitful. God's own portion is the tithe which belongs to Him. According to Lev. 27:30, And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord. When you give God the tithe of whatever you have, He will restrain devourers and wasters from touching your own portion (Mal 3: 10 – 11). This spiritual law doesn't just apply to finances alone but in all areas of life.
When Abram met Melchizedek, he gave him a tithe of all. This is the secret of the greatness and generational fruitfulness that Abraham contacted. Gen 14:20 says, And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all. It reads tithes of all, so tithe is not just of money but of all things.
The wisdom for having a fruitful day is to give to God at least one tenth of your 24 hours in the day. Knowing fully well that it is fruitful days that culminate into fruitful years which lead to a fruitful lifetime, you must make sure that every
day is fruitful and none is wasted. One of the ways to do this is in tithing your day. Just like it is not right for a child of God to take all his money or property to himself but he is to dedicate the tithe to God, so also you should not spend the whole of your day on trying to meet up with routines and demands, no matter how demanding the day is. There is wisdom in dedicating one tenth of your day to spend time with God, do something about God or do something for the kingdom of God. There should be a part of your day that goes into praying, studying the Bible, telling others about the Lord Jesus Christ or any act of service to God as a mark of honour for God in the day. You don't have to religiously set a 2hr 40minute schedule with God as a tithe of everyday. However, the goal is that you should have a portion of your day that you 'tithe' to the Lord.
David said, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Psa. 90:12. One area of wisdom in accounting your day is to dedicate a part of it to being with, hearing from and doing something for God. Don't spend the gift of 24hrs God gives you everyday selfishly and carelessly. Note that the priority of your life should be the Giver - God.

* Today I surrender to God all that belong to Him- my life, time and wealth.
* Pray against every devourer that eats up people’s labour, in Jesus’ name.

I announce the sound of abundance of rain over my year in 2016, no more droughts, in my life in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Unlimited God

Thursday 11 February
READ:Isa. 7: 10 – 14
MORE LESSON:Jer. 32: 27

In receiving blessings and gifts, it is not just important to know what we want to receive. It is of importance that we have an in-depth knowledge of who we are receiving from. Who is he? What can he do? For example, if you come to me to ask for a premeditated amount of money without knowing how much I have on me; two things are likely to happen. It is either you ask from me more than I have to give or you ask less than I am able to give. If you ask from me something more than my capacity, I will tell you I can’t afford that much and give you how much I can afford. But if you ask less, too bad for you, because I will just keep quiet and give you what you ask and keep the remaining in my pocket. So, the knowledge of ability is vital in maximally receiving from a person. This is the reason the Bible is full of stories of the exploits done by the Lord; it is God’s attempt to educate you about His ability. He taught a little of the account of His deeds in peoples’ lives in the Bible so that you will know what He is capable of doing and so believe Him for such.
In the book of Isaiah, God spoke to Ahaz, saying, Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God; Ask it either in the depth or in the height above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, nor will I test the Lord! Isa. 7:10-12. Here God was telling a man to put a demand on Him; He wanted the man to make it as difficult as possible. It was like giving a man a signed blank cheque and asking him to fill in any amount of money he wanted. But Ahaz replied that he would not ask for anything in case he asked for something the Lord could not do and so embarrassed the Lord.
This is the mentality carried by many believers; they don't pray for big things, they are afraid for God that He might be overstretched in His attempt to do such things for them. They don't dare big things in case God is not able to carry them through and they fail. But hear the response God gave Ahaz, Hear now oh house of David! It is a small thing for you to weary men, but will you weary my God also? Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call His name Immanuel.
God is not a man that your request will be too great for Him. There is nothing you need that is too big a burden for God. This is the reason you must not limit the Holy One, But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible: Matt. 19:26.

* I receive faith to see You Lord as God of all possibilities, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, do to me above what I imagine or dare to ask, in Jesus’ name.
* Henceforth, I refuse to doubt You Lord, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that the dead bones of my life shall rise again and bring a greater glory into my destiny

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Greater Life

Wednesday 10 February
READ:John 14: 12
MORE LESSON: Mk.16:15-20

Today, I want you to know that God is not glorified in your living a mundane life. God is not happy about your poverty, debt, sickness and failures. God is not proud of the fact that life is difficult for you. Any one that portrays Christianity as a life of struggles and hardships is not correct. A victorious destiny is God's design for you.
Did you know that God doesn't want you to have less than what Jesus had while He walked on the earth? He doesn't want you to be less than Jesus was; that is why Jesus said, he that believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father. Jn 14: 12 (NKJV). What excites God in Heaven is when He sees His children living the greater life.
Smith Wiggles-Worth the great preacher went to preach somewhere and when he finished, he retired to the room where he was to sleep. In the night, he was woken by noise in the room; so he opened his eyes and rolled away the blanket to see what was responsible for the disturbance in the room, he saw a demon bouncing up and down in the room, he hissed and said, 'I didn't know it is you', pulled the blanket back to cover himself and continued to enjoy his sleep. Without a prayer or a command, the devil left, angry. That is the greater life! it is not when you dream that a goat is pursuing you and you start running to see all the prophets in the country.
There is a greater life in every area of your life. You can be greater in your spiritual life, finance, in success and impact, and in your ministry. That is God's will for you. Jesus is our perfect example; He lived on top of every situation when He was here in the flesh. He faced hard times and challenges and He overcame them; that is the greater life.
The greater life is not a life void of challenges; it is the life that prevails. Paul the apostle was in a shipwreck and everybody was devasted and unable to eat but he stood up and started encouraging everyone else; including his captors (Act 27: 22 – 27). He assured them that he had spoken to God and had secured all their lives with God and none of them would die. The greater life is victorious in tribulation and cannot be quenched by trials of life. Today, go for the greater life in every area of your endeavour; that is your inheritance in Christ Jesus. You were born to be great, don't do anything less; go for the greater life in Christ Jesus. You will do greater works as He has said, in Jesus’ name.

* I declare that I was created great and shall do great things, in Jesus’ name.
* No devil shall be able to truncate my greatness, in Jesus’ name.

No defeat or loss shall be found in my life anymore, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Unsearchable God

Tuesday 9 February
READ:Isa. 40:18-28

God is unsearchable and unfathomable. The person who knows the greatest about God on earth today has only discovered an infinitesimally small percentage of who He really is. The more you seek and search to know God, the more you will discover that there is more to know about Him. The noblest pursuit of any man is to seek to keep knowing more and more of God.
Someone once told me that he did his PhD research on pepper. I was intrigued that a whole thesis can be written on mere pepper; I kept wondering what there is so much to write about pepper that will take the volume of a PhD thesis. So I asked for further details only for him to tell me that actually the whole thesis was not on pepper generally but he narrowed down his study specifically to the seed – the pepper seed. He also added that when he began to study the seed he discovered that there are still more areas to study in the seed of pepper that were outside the scope of his work.
If that can be said of pepper then I wonder how you can ever know everything about God. Throughout your life, you must sustain a heart posture of someone that is still a learner in your quest to know God. You can’t exhaust all there is to know about Him.
This is what necessitates the need for more of the Word and the Spirit in your life no matter how far you have gone in the Christian journey. Some people feel that they have read so much of the Scripture and got so full of the letter that no one can preach God's Word to them anymore. If anyone wants to preach; they summarise the sermon, conclude and grade the preacher even before he finishes saying the introduction. Don't you ever become like that; you must never outgrow reading the Bible, listening to genuine Word of God from others and you must never outgrow staying with the Holy Spirit to learn.
God is unsearchable but the Holy Spirit can help you to keep discovering more of Him. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals God to us in our spirit. To know more of God, you need to develop your spirit man by deep and intimate communion with the Holy Spirit. As the Scripture says, But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God: 1 Cor 2:9-10.
You are given the privilege of knowing more and more of the unsearchable riches of God as you fellowship with His Spirit.

* Lord, grant me grace to know you the more, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, cause my understanding to be enlightened more about You, in Jesus’ name.

In this month, all things will work for my good and fulfilment, in the name of Jesus.