Tuesday 16 February
READ:Job 14:7-9
MORE LESSON:Rom 4:18 -20
One of the major societal problems in our time is hopelessness. People get so frustrated because of the challenges of life that subject them to emotional, mental and spiritual despair. This is the reason for increase in hypertension, depression, suicide, crime and other vices in the world today. Though hopelessness is darkness, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel. The light that God wants to give to everyone in a hopeless situation is the light of His Hope.
Job 14: 7 says, For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down . . .. God offers hope even in the face of hopelessness. The scripture in the text talks about a very bad situation in life when it looks as if things will not work anymore. But then when God comes on the scene, hope comes. The book of Job is actually about the story of a very rich man who had everything going on fine for him until one day when he was put to test whether his hope was in the material wealth he had or in the Almighty God. He lost all his property and children in one day and even his wife told him to curse God and die. Yet this same man proclaimed that he wouldn't give up because there was hope for him.
Today I don't know what you are going through, I don't know what exactly your situation is but I have confidence in the Almighty God the Creator and the possessor of the whole universe that your situation can change. Never lose hope because if there is hope for a tree that has been cut off to bud again at the scent of water, then there is more hope for you. Even if it looks like all things have been shut down against you, at the entrance of the Word of God which is the Living Water, you will rise again. Never give up in life because there is hope for you. Your situation will change for the better as long as you do not give up on God. My prayer for you today is, Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost: Rom. 15:13.
* Pray God to turn every hopeless situation of your life for the better, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that the roses of your destiny will blossom again, in Jesus’ name.
2016, I sign up for progress on every side, in the name of Jesus.