Monday 15 February
READ:Job 14:7-9
MORE LESSON:Isa. 1:18-20
In Job 14:7-9, the Bible points out that there is hope for a tree which has been cut down, its roots waxed old, its stock dead and its leaves withered. One would have thought that a tree that has such a dire condition would need a mighty miracle but then the Bible says that all it needs is the scent of water, Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant: Job 14:9. 'Scent of water' literally means that what it needs is to 'smell water'. A little drop of water brought close enough for this tree to 'smell' is all that is required for this tree to experience a turn-around. It would have been logical to look at such a tree and prescribe that it needs a flood of water, or at least buckets or cups of water. The Word of God which cannot lie says that the tree needs just the scent of water.
Many times men are faced with situations that they feel are the most difficult and they behave as if God would have to personally come down from Heaven with heavy duty spiritual machinery and work out a breathtaking miracle for them. But I want you to know that your situation is not as big as you think, all you need is a touch from the Master. A little intervention from the Lord is all that is required and your change will come.
This also applies to a sinner who feels so condemned because he has done so many terrible things and thinks that he would require a special salvation package to pay for his own sin other than the one required by every other human being. But your condition is not as impossible as you think, all you need is the scent of the Blood. Jesus, the holy and blameless Son of God, was crucified on the cross of Calvary so that you may be saved. He shed His priceless blood, resurrected on the third day and now He is seated on the throne of glory. He has the keys of life and eternity with which He opens to every man who believes in Him. A drop of the blood will transform the worst of sinners to the greatest of saints. Just come to Him and accept salvation and watch your life turn-around.
It is only if a man refuses the scent of the blood that brings salvation that he is condemned to the lake of fire. The greatest pain in eternity is to realize that you could have had an all expense paid eternity of joy at no cost to yourself as all the cost has been borne by Jesus but you turned your back at it. That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. Today is the day of your turn-around.Say from your heart to Jesus right now, Jesus I accept you as the Lord and saviour of my life, forgive my sins , wash me with your blood, write my name in the book of life .. thank you for doing it! Now I am a new creature, no more a sinner, in Jesus’ name. Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
* Today, let me experience a turn-around by the Word of life, in Jesus’ name.
* Speak to your destiny to come alive by the Word of the Lord.
Thank you Jesus because you have fixed my latter days to be better than my former, in the name of Jesus.
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