Friday 19 February
READ: 2 Kings 7:1-20
MORE LESSON: Isa 55: 8-9
I have noticed that the first step in walking in the miraculous is not to imagine how God will do something but just to believe it. When God gives you a word; you don't start calculating how it will come to pass; leave the calculations to Him. You just receive the final answer from Him. Such childlike faith is what is required for experiencing the miraculous.
There was a very sore famine in Israel and Elisha prophesied that by the morrow, food will be surplus. An economic expert and analyst in the king's cabinet reasoned that there was no way that could happen. The prophet told him that it would happen, he would see it but he would not partake of it. Things turned out just as the Lord had said.
There was a time in our church that some faithful final year brethren who were university students had so many carry-overs. I heard the Lord say that He would by-pass the natural law and graduate them, so I called them and prayed for them. I was ministering to them and I declared, 'go all of you and graduate'. I had no idea how that would happen because they were in the final semester and already had so many carry-overs that necessitated them to stay behind for an extra year or so. I didn't care how it would happen, I just believed what the Lord said and declared it.
Then suddenly something happened; the university announced that year that they were going to have what is called a third semester. It wasn't planned in the school calendar, it wasn't according to curriculum and it had never been done before. But the school decided there would be a third semester and students were free to register any pending course, write the exam and graduate that year with their mates if they pass. When I heard the news, I laughed because the university governing board sat down and agreed on a physical decision but unknown to them, they were responding to a spiritual arrangement .
Today, everything that God has promised your destiny receive performance in the name of Jesus Christ. Even when it looks as if it is impossible by human calculations, the creative power of the Holy Ghost will descend upon the promise of God on your life and bring it to pass, For with God nothing shall be impossible: Lk. 1:37.
* Lord, because I believe, nothing shall be impossible for me, in Jesus’ name.
* Prophesy that all things will work together for your good today.
Father, You will satisfy me early this year with loving kindness, in the name of Jesus.
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