Thursday, February 18, 2016

Breaking Limits

Thursday 18 February
READ:Isa. 10: 27
MORE LESSON:Psa. 124:7

The enemy is always excited at drawing limits of where a man cannot pass in destiny. It is also our responsibility to terminate his limitation over our lives. Sometimes the limit is a line of demarcation drawn for a whole family; you see a trend of limits that nobody in a family can transcend, but as a child of God, you must decide to go beyond the enemy's limit over your life and family. It starts with a determination before a confrontation and then an elimination of all limits over your destiny,
One of my children in the Lord once said to me, 'Daddy, I will be thirty years old.' I was happy and said I will celebrate it for him. He said that it wasn't celebration that he called for. He counted about three of his elder ones who died a day to their thirtieth birthday. Obviously, the enemy had set a limit of thirty years that no one in his family would cross. I assured him that he would live beyond thirty and made him promise me a cake on his thirtieth birthday. I laid hands on him, and declared that every limit of thirty years over his life was broken.
A night to his birthday, he called me and reminded me that he would be thirty the next day, he asked if he could come sleep in my house. I told him not to worry but to call me when it's 5mins to 12am. At night, he called and along with him we sang a song of thanksgiving. He said, 'Daddy, I thought you will pray.' At 12 o'clock I was still singing, when the young man burst into tongues. I told him, 'we are still singing, let's sing now'. He joined me and from there on, we moved on to praying in tongues. When I stopped, he continued. So, I put my head on my pillow and slept off, I left him singing. The next morning, he walked to my office and said daddy, I am glad to be thirty, he is still alive today. Hallelujah! The anointing of God broke the evil family yoke off his neck like the Prophet Isaiah prophesied. There is no limitation or affliction, no matter how strong that the power of God cannot break.
Don't run helter-skelter, God’s Word has promised that by His anointing, your yoke shall be broken, so take your matter to Him and to Him (Jehovah God) only. Don't patronise satanic agents, even if they bear church-title-pastor prophet-they may be herbalists and by their unscriptural fruits, you shall know them. The anointing of God operates by God’s Word, take hold of God’s Word and promises, like today’s reading. It has every authority for victory, proclaim it over your life and stand on it. Find others like it also and keep discharging them in the place of prayer.
Today, the Lord will break every limitation that has been placed over your destiny. May be your colleagues have gone ahead of you because of the limits that have kept you on the same sport, the Lord give you speed and break every boundary, in Jesus’ name. Every curse that has kept you stagnated is destroyed today. By the provision of the covenant of the Blood of Jesus, you are exempted from every family barrier. You will go beyond your parents. I always pray for all my children physical and spiritual that where I stop will be their own launch pad, that is your portion, in Jesus’ name. The limits are broken.

* Thank you Jesus for breaking every satanic limit in my life.
*Declare that from you to your generation yet unborn, no satanic limit shall prosper over your destinies.

By the covenant right of Abraham, he that work against me in 2016, does it at the risk of his life, in the name of Jesus


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