Saturday, April 16, 2016

This Know Also

Saturday 16 April
READ: 2 Tim 3:1
MORE LESSON: Hosea 4: 6

In 2 Tim 3: 1 the Bible says, This know also . . . and it's like saying that there is what you need to know in addition to what you have already known. It is necessary to keep adding to your knowledge by learning more and more every day. God always wants us to be on the side of knowledge. No one in life is all made in one day; you become made by an accumulation of added value. So you need to increase your knowledge more and more everyday of your life till you attain mastery in whatever God has placed in your hands. This know also . . . means there is something about God that you don't know yet, it means you should start knowing more about God. Don't keep bragging about what you now know about God; there is something you still don't know. Everybody under God is a student; the day you graduate you die. In addition to what you have known, God wants you to keep adding more knowledge.
There is always something you need to know. That is why you need to do quiet time everyday and apart from reading your devotional, you need to be able to pick up a book of the Bible and study. You need to get anointed literature and study. Spend your spare time reading instead of going to gossip around and endanger the covenant over your life. Be a reader; readers are leaders. However, knowing more is not limited to spiritual things, even in your profession you need to know more. There is no room for idleness in the Kingdom; if you are done with reading your Bible, there is a computer programme to learn. There is a contract to follow up or a paper to write or a seminar to attend. I don't believe in idleness because there is always something to do. When you are on a journey, you can use that time to listen to sermons, tapes and other materials that will add value to you. The way to learn is to keep learning by listening, reading and observing. Some Christians have stopped attending church services because they are offended at the pastor, so they are not able to learn more.
Maturity is attained by learning more and more. Even as a preacher, there is a need to know more. All you know as a preacher might be the message of holiness which you have been preaching but you might be raising people that are holy but poor. So you need to learn God's way of attaining success and prosperity and start teaching that as well. There is something you need to know also. So it doesn't matter who or what you are at the moment, learn to always go for more. Study to show yourself approved before God, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth: II Tim. 2:15.

Prayer/ Action
* Father, give me a teachable spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I refuse to be idle today, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit, guide my heart to learn something new in life and destiny today, in Jesus’ name.

My father, let every organised evil against my life be disappointed and paralyzed today, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Harvest of Righteousness

Friday 15 April
READ: Heb. 12:5-11
MORE LESSON: Prov.29:15

As a young man in secondary school, I never liked to hear the word “discipline” because usually it was used when you were to undergo punishment for an offence. You were disciplined with six or twelve strokes of the cane on your buttocks. You could also be asked to kneel down and raise your hands in the air for one hour, or to cut grass. At home, discipline was also not different. It was either you were deprived of your dinner or made to kneel down facing the wall, or forced to sit down inside the house while your mates played outside.
When I first read today’s Scripture passage some years ago, I was not comfortable that such a word is written in the Bible because of my concept of discipline. How can it be that the one whom God loves He chastises (disciplines)? Those who discipline us are never our friends, and we run away from them because we think they don't love us. If God will also punish me, why should I endure it and see Him as my Father? But with maturity and better understanding, I have come to appreciate this scripture and to understand that discipline is actually meant to make you conform to an order that will make your life meaningful. The rod was to drive away the “foolishness” that is bound in the heart of a child (Prov.22:15) so that wisdom can have room to thrive in the child. Discipline is meant to inculcate a behavioural pattern that will make you a better person to society and humanity in general. I have also come to know that those who disciplined us when we were young actually wanted the best of us to come to limelight. They did so because they believed in us and truly loved us. When you refuse discipline, you deny yourself of a training process. I believe that those who are robbers, vandals and perpetuators of violence on our streets today were either not disciplined (corrected, chastised) when they were young, tender and malleable, or that they did not take to discipline. Hence, they are what they are today.
God's chastisement is much more encompassing. The passage we read says: Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it : Heb 12:10 -11 (NIV). Note the following benefits of discipline from the passage and keep them in memory for life: 1) God's chastisement makes you share in His holiness. 2) It is a training that produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for you. Will you still resist discipline today?

* Lord, please forgive me of the sin of hatred towards those who disciplined me in time past and bless them.
* Lord, do not hold back Your discipline from me; help me to respond appropriately to Your discipline.

Father, in Your mercy today, deliver me from indebtedness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Covenant Advantage II

Sunday 10 April
READ: I Peter 1: 3 - 4
MORE LESSON: Eph 1:2-3

For every covenant, there is an advantage. Men in the Old Testament walked in covenant with God and they enjoyed the advantages. In the New Testament, we have a higher covenant of redemption where God has given up His only begotten Son to establish the plan of salvation for mankind. This covenant brings us into a more favourable position. It brings gain and benefits for man and brings man into God's own class. So the New Covenant is bringing God’s plan for man into eternal inheritance with Him, if man will accept the offer of His Son. Jesus said, You must be born again: Jn. 3:3. For man to access the eternal covenant, he must accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour; and to such is given the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name (Jn. 1:12).
The covenant inheritance that God promised man can only be accessed through Christ Jesus. You need to become a child of God to enjoy the benefits of the covenants God has made with mankind. The Scripture says, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you: I Pet. 1:3-4. Beloved, the hope of living again after this world is by the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And we who believe Jesus will be woken up into a special type of inheritance in Christ Jesus, which is quite different from every earthly possession and inheritance.
Apostle Peter described the inheritance we have in God through the Lord Jesus as “incorruptible” . This means that the advantage we have through the covenant of grace and redemption is uncontaminated, contains no error and can never be corrupted because it is reserved where moth and rust do not exist. It is also “undefiled”. This means that what we get in return for surrendering our life to Christ and by abiding by the terms of the covenant cannot be made filthy or dirty or polluted; it maintains its value and quality. It is also described as that which does not fade away. Our inheritance by the covenant does not lose colour or brilliance, freshness or strength and does not disappear or die slowly or vanish. Dearly beloved, you can see that the heavenly inheritance is far superior to the earthly one. So, nothing on earth is worth going to hell for. Remain in the covenant and enjoy its benefits eternally. The covenant puts a man in a vantage position in every of God's allocation. Remember, God is a covenant keeping God; He will never break His covenant with you.

* Father, thank You for bringing me into a covenant relationship with You.
* I receive the grace to fulfil the terms of the covenant and enjoy its benefits forever, in Jesus' name.
* There is an eternal inheritance reserved in Heaven for me.

I decree every satanic baggage that has made my journey in life tough to be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Covenant Advantage 1

Saturday 9 April
READ: Gen. 17:1-9
MORE LESSON: Gal. 3:18

Every agreement made is for a purpose, whether it is between man and man or between man and God. Whenever the greater enters into an agreement with the lesser, it is for a particular advantage. It could be for protection, increment or blessing. Whenever the lesser goes into a covenant agreement with the greater, the lesser is lifted. A covenant puts you on the same platform with the person you have made the covenant with. This is the reason why when God wants to bless men, He cuts covenant with them. Looking through the Bible, both in the Old Testament and New Testament, we see time and again God entering into agreements with His children. We see God giving a blessing with a condition, and there are several of such covenants in the Old Testament.
The first is the covenant of Eden where God asked man for one thing-obedience. The Edenic Covenant is a pre-fall agreement between God and man, where Adam was promised blessings if he would comply with the terms of the covenant. This is expressed in Gen 2:15, Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. God gave Adam the blessing of everything on the earth but Adam broke the terms of the covenant. God had to look for another means of entering into another covenant with another generation. Remember that for every man that God enters into a covenant with, there is an advantage he enjoys.
God located Abraham and made a covenant with him, And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly: Gen 17:2. Abraham kept the covenant of circumcision and was willing to sacrifice his only beloved son as an expression of his loyalty to God's covenant. This is the reason he became so great and exalted today among all peoples. I call on you to walk in a covenant relationship with God and partake of the advantage in it. The highest covenant you can partake in is the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. The New Covenant is the basis for all biblical covenants that God made with individuals like Noah, Abraham, David and so it is superior to them all . The New Covenant is designed to bring man into a restored relationship with God through the death of Christ and obedience to God's Word. It is time for you to stick with the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and begin to enjoy all the advantages in it.

* Pray that the covenant of God will speak for you in every area of life.
* Pray for the grace to be faithful to the terms of God's covenant.
* Ask for the covenant advantage to distinguish you in destiny.

Father, today, turn every wilderness in my life to a stream of waters and my dry land into springs of water.