Saturday 16 April
READ: 2 Tim 3:1
MORE LESSON: Hosea 4: 6
In 2 Tim 3: 1 the Bible says, This know also . . . and it's like saying that there is what you need to know in addition to what you have already known. It is necessary to keep adding to your knowledge by learning more and more every day. God always wants us to be on the side of knowledge. No one in life is all made in one day; you become made by an accumulation of added value. So you need to increase your knowledge more and more everyday of your life till you attain mastery in whatever God has placed in your hands. This know also . . . means there is something about God that you don't know yet, it means you should start knowing more about God. Don't keep bragging about what you now know about God; there is something you still don't know. Everybody under God is a student; the day you graduate you die. In addition to what you have known, God wants you to keep adding more knowledge.
There is always something you need to know. That is why you need to do quiet time everyday and apart from reading your devotional, you need to be able to pick up a book of the Bible and study. You need to get anointed literature and study. Spend your spare time reading instead of going to gossip around and endanger the covenant over your life. Be a reader; readers are leaders. However, knowing more is not limited to spiritual things, even in your profession you need to know more. There is no room for idleness in the Kingdom; if you are done with reading your Bible, there is a computer programme to learn. There is a contract to follow up or a paper to write or a seminar to attend. I don't believe in idleness because there is always something to do. When you are on a journey, you can use that time to listen to sermons, tapes and other materials that will add value to you. The way to learn is to keep learning by listening, reading and observing. Some Christians have stopped attending church services because they are offended at the pastor, so they are not able to learn more.
Maturity is attained by learning more and more. Even as a preacher, there is a need to know more. All you know as a preacher might be the message of holiness which you have been preaching but you might be raising people that are holy but poor. So you need to learn God's way of attaining success and prosperity and start teaching that as well. There is something you need to know also. So it doesn't matter who or what you are at the moment, learn to always go for more. Study to show yourself approved before God, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth: II Tim. 2:15.
Prayer/ Action
* Father, give me a teachable spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I refuse to be idle today, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit, guide my heart to learn something new in life and destiny today, in Jesus’ name.
My father, let every organised evil against my life be disappointed and paralyzed today, in the name of Jesus.
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