Friday, April 29, 2016

Applying your Heart to Wisdom 2

Friday 29 April
READ: Eph 5: 15 - 16
MORE LESSON: Psa 90: 12

Psa. 90:12 talks about the need to number our days if we must apply our hearts to wisdom and we have pointed out that numbering our days involves making sure we spend each day maximally to the glory of God and the fulfilment of our purpose in destiny. The Bible also links being wise to redeeming the time in our days. Eph 5: 15 -16 says, See that thou walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. There are many forces that contend with your day. There are evil forces outside that have planned negative things for the day and there are also forces from within that are drawing you to do things that would not profit your day. There are things in the day that are beyond the visible eyes wanting men to do things that at the end of life he will regret all. This is the reason why you need to apply the force of God in prayer and meditation to help you to carefully organise and plan each day of your life. You also need to receive strength in the secret place to go forth each day and achieve all that is set for the day. It is the consciousness in a man that there are forces to contend with each day that makes him prayerful.
A vital key to be able to have a day full of life and profit is to be mindful from the beginning of the day how we spend it. You should labour in prayer, not just for the day but for days ahead. You need to receive grace for wisdom in making decisions each day and knowing the activities to get into and those to avoid. Redeem your day and maximise it. Never rush out any day to go and beat the wind. Receive wisdom and power from God to make the day productive, fruitful, and result-filled and then step out to prevail over the day. When you live in the wisdom of redeeming the day, at the end of life when you put days together, you will be happy. The only way to prevail over the forces of the day is by the power of God. The Word of God, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are all fortifications that make you go forth in victory each day. Do not go into the day without these.
Receive fruitful days, months and years, in the name of Jesus.

* Bind every force contending with your life’s activities.
* Receive the grace to be fruitful in every activity you do today.
* Cover yourself with God’s favour to profit today.

Father, let my flesh and blood become poison to all blood suckers and flesh eaters, in Jesus’ name.


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