Friday 1 April
READ: Gen. 1:26-28
MORE LESSON: Psa. 1:1-6
Every human being is created to succeed in life; nobody has been created to fail. You may have seen a thousand and one people struggle to succeed without positive results, or you may have personal experiences of struggling and failing several times. Your knowledge and experience notwithstanding, you were created and fashioned to experience true success in life.
The reason why I am so sure of this is because the first statement God uttered to man when He created him reads thus, Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth: Gen. 1:28. The first voice man ever heard was the voice of God and the words he heard were those of blessing. You may note from this passage that the man was blessed by God and empowered by a proclamation to go and succeed in life. The man was ordained to be fruitful, multiply, rule the earth, utilise and manage the resources of the earth (the elements of the air, land and water) to his profit, have dominion over these elements, replenish the earth, make it a vibrant, viable and a worthy place to live in. If you accept the doctrine that all humans (including you) proceed from Adam; that you were created after his image and likeness, then believe also that you share in the blessing that God proclaimed upon him at creation. If you also accept the doctrine that all men became sinners because of Adam's sin (Rom. 5:19a) and that Christ Jesus is the second (spiritual) Adam by which all who believe in His name are reconciled to God, then it should not be difficult to accept that what Adam was and the blessings he carried before he fell have been restored to all who now confess Jesus as LORD and Saviour.
Believe that you are a carrier of blessing. You have the capability to be fruitful; you carry the potential to multiply anything in your hand. The earth and the fullness thereof are at your disposal to explore. Every element of the earth can respond to you. Believe what is written: whatsoever you do shall prosper (Psalm1:3).
The only thing you need to do to guarantee this is to be a true Christian. True Christians don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor do they stand in the path of sinners. They don't sit in the seat of the scornful. Anyone who does these things opens doors for an enemy to eat up his destiny. Do you want to succeed now and always? Delight yourself in the law of the LORD. Meditate on His Word always, and you will see the seed of success planted in you, from creation, germinate, bud, blossom and bear fruit effortlessly.
* Lord, I believe that I carry the gene of the blessed Adam.
* I denounce unbelief and the voice of doubt; I confess that I am destined to succeed in life.
* LORD, help me to live the true Christian life, in Jesus’ name.
Father in heaven, the giver of all good gifts; thank You for the good gift of the month of April, in the name of Jesus.
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