Wednesday 20 April
READ: Gen 3:1- 15
MORE LESSON: Job 14: 7-9
When God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, He gave them a position of dominion that was enviable to all other creatures in Heaven and earth. Out of envy, the devil, who had lost all already, deceived man to lose all that God gave him by making him to sin against God.
God who is always angry at sin declared the judgements which are the repercussions of man's actions. He cursed the earth for man's sake and declared that man would only eat after much sweat. He declared that the woman would give birth in painful labour and also that she would be dominated by the man. The devil was so happy as God was declaring the curses that resulted from the disobedience of the man and the woman. The serpent that the devil used to perpetrate his evil act was also cursed. Satan didn't mind the curses on him because he knew he was cursed already. He was elated that he had succeeded in getting man cursed. However, in the midst of God's verdict, He made a statement that caught the devil off guard, And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel: Gen 3:15.
God left a window of dominion to be restored to man. The statement He made
was like saying, 'The devil, the enemy, has won today by making man lose all that I gave to man but I will make sure that the battle doesn't end here, the woman will give birth to Someone who will conquer the devil and totally crush him.' Immediately the devil heard this, he became afraid because he now realised that the battle is not over and he has not won.
I want you to know that it is not over; the devil has not won over your life. Even if he succeeded in making you incur God's wrath and punishment, God will still leave a window of mercy for you. May be you have made a mistake in the past that you are suffering for and you think that the devil has had the final say because of your past. I want you to know according to scriptures that the ...God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly . . .: Rom 16:20.
Jesus Christ, the Seed of the woman, came to fulfil the prophecy of crushing the devil's head. It was only after Jesus won the victory that the battle ended (John 19: 30). So it ended on a note of victory for man. Whatever the enemy has done, I want you to know today that it is not over until you win and you will surely win, you have God’s word for it, For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease: Job 14:7.
* In the name of Jesus, the devil will not win over my life.
* In the name of Jesus, I refuse to give up in life and destiny.
I receive deliverance from the forces of destiny vandalizers and destiny wasters, in the name of Jesus.
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