Thursday, April 7, 2016

We are Brethren

Thursday 7 April
READ: Gen. 13:1-8
MORE LESSON: Phil. 2:1-5

And Abraham said unto Lot, let there be no strife, I pray thee, between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren: Gen.13:8. Other versions write that phrase “we are brethren” as “we are close relatives” or “we are family”. Everyone born into this world is born into a family; everyone belongs to one family or the other. In a family, offences will happen but God does not want us to dwell on offences. This is one major lesson we all are to learn from today's reading. We all must carry the consciousness of brotherhood like Abraham did with Lot, whether it is biological family or the household of God. Many people have lost the consciousness of belonging to a family and have isolated themselves, leading to satanic attacks and major losses to them personally and to the family at large.
Abraham was blessed and made rich by God (Gen.13:2) but he did not keep it to himself alone; he allowed the blessings he enjoyed to flow to his brother Lot, And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents: Gen.13:5. This pattern of Abraham is true brotherhood. Many among our brethren have no food but we don't know nor see it because we don't care. Such attitude is anti-family and definitely anti-God. As God blessed and increased Abraham, Lot also increased and was blessed. Whether in church or at home, we all need to rise up to the demands of brotherhood, even in the face of offence. As we increase in substance individually, it must not lead to jealousy and envy; it must produce appreciation and complementing one another. It must lead to spreading the wealth to one another, helping others to also acquire land, businesses and factories where we are located and across in the land and the nation (Gen.13:9).
We must consciously deal with satanic plots to make us fight, strive or quarrel. Wherever there are men with diverse opinions and views, there will likely be disagreement. But we must allow the cord of being part of a family to weld us stronger than our disagreements.
Abraham was the older man who brought Lot out of Ur, and he had the right to choose first and Lot after, but because of the family bond he allowed the younger man to choose first. He took the initiative to allow peace to reign and satan lost the battle over his family. Be the one to settle that quarrel and reconcile. Do not allow satan to succeed in sowing evil seeds of un-forgiveness, malice and strife in the family. Abraham so much valued brotherhood and family ties that he rescued Lot from captivity (Gen.14:14-16), interceded for Lot before God that Lot and his family might not partake in destruction (Gen.18:22-33). Play your part in your family and in the household of faith. We are brethren!

*Lord, I renounce and cast the spirit of strife and quarrel out of my home and family.
*I declare today that I will play my part to keep my family (physical/spiritual) united and progressive.
Take a step of obedience, reconcile with that brother/sister in forgiveness and love. Call or send a text of reconciliation today.

Father, this day, remove every disobedient Jonah from the ship of my life, in the name of Jesus.


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