Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Established by the Word

Tuesday 19 April
READ: Psa. 119: 89-93

It is important that you learn how to look at your circumstances through the Word of God. Do not judge the Word by what you are going through; the Word of God is more valid than the experience of man. If the Word of God says you are healed but you are still feeling the pain, remember that the Word is superior to your feeling.
Anytime you are faced with situations that are not in agreement with God's will for your life as revealed in the Word of God, what to do is to challenge that situation by the Word of God. That unpleasant circumstance has no option but to bow to the Word. Any circumstance that you stand on the Word of God against but refuses to bow is saying that the Lord God needs to amend - and that is not possible. The Bible says, For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psa. 119:89. The Word of God is eternally established in Heaven; there is no situation on earth that can bend the Word. Keep holding on to the eternal Word of God in spite of what you can see, feel or hear in the physical. Your situation must eventually bow to the Word. The Word is established in Heaven, and when you hold on to it on the earth, it will establish you.
When you stand on what God has said, divine help is inevitable. Everything that you need in life is in the Word. If you are confronted by sickness, the healing that you need is in the Word. As it is written, He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions: Ps 107:20. If you want victory over trials, temptations and battles of life, then get into the Word. Jesus set us the example when satan confronted Him; He beat him hands down by the Word of God. Jesus kept replying satan with 'it is written . . .' till Jesus gave him the final Word, Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve: Matt 4:10 (NKJV). God’s Word holds the key to all things for all believers. It is the lamp to our feet, light to our path (Psa. 119:105), and by it we are healed-Psa. 107:20.
That is the testimony of all who love God’s Word and it can become yours today if you choose God’s Word as your life anchor.

* Challenge every situation contrary to God’s Word in your life to bow now, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare the supremacy of God’s Word over every challenge today, in Jesus’ name.
* Promise God that you will always obey His Word all the days of your life.

Father, because of the blood of Jesus, cause me to enjoy extravagant mercy this year, in the name of Jesus


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